Chapter 6

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On the spaceship

I put the spaceship on auto and made my way to the back where Alessia and Zach were seated.

"Hey guys, How are you holding up?" I ask.

"Okay I guess...." Alessia answers. She already seems older than when I first met her. 

              The next few days pass normally, or as normal they can go in a spaceship. We eat canned food, listen to the regular updates on the communication device installed in each spacecraft.

Every day, I teach them something about Nedroj [at least according to what Ash told me] and how it's different from Earth. I reckon, by the time they are my age, they might not remember Earth at all... but.. I guess it's better that way isn't it...

It all went down when we were sleeping on the 7th day of our journey. We felt tremors and heard things falling. At first I thought it was an earthquake, but quickly remembered how we weren't on earth anymore. No one was.

I made my way to the controls, not before stumbling many times on the way.

We were going through an enormous solar storm and if not navigated properly, could mean losing all sense of direction, losing cabin pressure and getting sucked into outer space.

I hurried toward Alessia and Zach. 

"Kids! Wear these spacesuits immediately!!" I'd thankfully found their size cause this ship was earlier made for a family.

"Wh-what's happening?" Zach asks

"Nothing to worry about" I lied, "just a precaution"

"What's the meaning of precaution?" Alessia asks. I'd forgotten they were still just five

"It means just a safety measure" I reassure them.

I wear my own gear and make my way to the controls. I thank my sister in my head over and over for sprouting facts about spaceships all the time. I turn over and over trying to avoid all the meteors trying to conserve energy all the while.

Ash had told me that they last from about a few minutes to a few hours. Hopefully, this time it will be the former.

But I just had to have rotten luck didn't I? It lasted for at least half an hour by the end of which all communication signals were lost and the lower part of the ship had faced meteor damage.

The only good thing was that navigation was still working.

When Nedroj finally came into view after 10 and a half days [we got delayed due to the storm] we needed to figure out a way to land. We couldn't land where all the other ships were landing because this was an unauthorized spaceship.

The only other option was landing in an 'ocean' that could contain creatures two times the size of the extinct creature 'the great white shark'. But, it was our only choice.

So, just before landing we all wore our spacesuits and readied an inflatable boat. I had told the twins the plan, or the part they'd be able to understand anyway, and prepared for landing.

"Well, here goes nothing" I say to myself before I begin our descent.

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