What now?- (continued)

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Silence filled the whole room.

Arora was lost in her thoughts. She was just not able to accept it.. She was unable to believe that it's true.

After long, Shu spoke, "Uh.. Sis?"

She just replied, "Hmm?"

"Did you told anyone else about this?"

"Mhm" she said shaking her head.

"Okay" he whispered.

There was silence again.

After a while, Arora said, "I'll go check if aunt needs any help. You stay here, 'kay?"

"Yeah, okay." Shu replied.

She went to the kitchen, "Aunt."

"Yeah? Arora, what happened?"

"No-nothing.. I just came to see if you need any help." She said very coldly.

"Oh.. thanks but I don't need any help." She replied smiling. Arora was silent, not paying much attention to her. "Uhhh.. Arora?"

"Yeah aunt?"

"Why do you seem so lost? What are you thinking?"

"Uhm.. nothing..." She looked towards the ground.

Her aunt said in a deep voice, "Listen, Arora."


"I wanted to tell you something."

"What, aunt?"

"All this.. it's quite unusual... I'm not sure if that girl isn't lying.. and... I think we should do..."

"Do what, aunt?"

"A.. DNA test... Just to be sure..."

"DNA test!?" She asked, surprised.

"Yeah. I think we should get the DNA test done.."

"Okay" She said in a very low tone. "I too ain't able believe it. How.. how can anyone do that... turn my brother into a female.. without even his permission.."

"Yeah. Who would do that? And why? I wonder."

"Aunt... What if this girl is lying? If she isn't my Shu?"

"We'll soon know if she is telling the truth or not..."

"Hmm.. we'll get the DNA test done as soon as she gets better."

"Yeah... Oh! The food is ready."

Arora's POV

Aunt served the soup in a bowl and put it in a tray along with some fresh fruits. I went to the room and knew she was behind me.

I put a small table on the bed and aunt arranged the food on it. I helped this girl get up and sit.

She's eating the food. Aunt had went to keep the tray back in the kitchen.

I sat beside her and looked at her trying to think that my brother is now a girl. But it seems so unreal. I just can't believe it. Maybe I have to force myself to do so. I just want that the DNA test results to state that she isn't telling the truth. Or all this is a dream. In either situation, I won't have to accept this.. at least.


"Uhh.. yeah?" I turned to her as came out of my thoughts.

"Can I get some water?"

"Oh! Yeah! Water. I'll go get it."

I went to the kitchen. I saw aunt there. She was cooking something.

"Aunt, what are you doing?"

"Oh! Arora, I'm cooking some food for us."


"Anyways, why are you here?"

"I came to get some water for her."

"Oh! Is that so." She filled a glass with water and gave it to me. I took it and went back to the room. She had almost finished her food, just little bit of soup was left. I handed over the glass of water to her.

I stood there as she drank the water and finished the food. I took the utensils to the kitchen.

As I entered the kitchen, I saw aunt was serving the food. "Arora, so she finished eating. Now you too come and eat something."

"Okay. I'll give her the medicine and come."


I went back to the room and removed the table. Then I gave her the medicine(s).

"You should sleep now. You need to get rest."

"Okay." She replied as she lied down on the bed obediently.

I went to the dining room and sat on the chair. We ate the food in complete silence. Aunt always says that we should not talk while eating. After we were done eating, she spoke up, "I've talked to the doctor. She said we can get the DNA test done day after tomorrow."

"Okay." I said as I helped her with the dishes.

After some time...

Arora was sitting in her room staring at a photo of Shu and herself.

Arora's POV

We were so happy together even if our parents died. What is all this? I don't know what to do. Shall I believe this girl who is telling that she is...

How can this even be possible? Like, why.. why would anyone do that? And how? How is it even possible?

I'm just unable to think anything right now.

End of POV

A lot of things were going on in her mind right now. A flashback of the time they spent together went on in her mind. The other half of her mind was busy on debating if this girl is telling the truth or if she is lying.

In Stacy's house...

Stacy stared at the photo of her sister kept on her table. "I'm sorry.. sister.. I'm sorry..." She cried. "I couldn't keep your children safe from this world... I couldn't protect them... This.. this happened to.. to your son... And I couldn't stop it... I couldn't do anything... I'm useless.. I can't do anything... It's such a shame for you to call me your sister... And.. if this girl is.. lying.. then I don't.. don't know where.. where Shu actually is.. I don't know where is your son... I don't know anything.. I couldn't take care of your kids in your absence... Sister.. I miss you.. I never thought that this day would ever come.. but then there is this saying.. nobody knows what's gonna happen in the future... I don't even know how tomorrow will be.. I'm scared that I.. won't be able.. to give your children the life they deserve.. that they.. won't have a good future... Tomorrow, when they grow up as adults.. they might not be able to.. live in this world the way.. they would've lived.. if you were there... But still.. I'll try.. I'll try my best..."



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Word count: 1015

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