The Culprit (1)

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It was Saturday again. A whole week have passed since Shu went missing. Today, Valt is going to his house for his sister's invitation.

He arrived at the train station where he met a tall young red-haired boy.

"He, Valt!"

"Hi, Xander."

"Are you ready to go."


"Then let's go. What are we waiting for?"


"I really wonder why sis Arora called us today."

"Yeah, me too."

Xander looked down at Valt and thought, 'Shu going missing really changed him a lot.'

They both set out for Shu's house. It was almost 11am when they reached there. Valt rang the doorbell. Arora opened the door and said, "So, you're here."


She let them in to the living room and told them to wait. She went inside, to Shu's room. Shu was sitting in her bed looking at the window.

"They're here." Arora said.

"Oh, okay. Then I should go meet them." Shu said and got up. When she was near the Arora, she whispered, "Sis, I'm nervous."

Arora smiled and said, "Don't be."

"I can't, sis, I can't."

"You can. I believe you can."

"Why don't you tell them? Then, I will go."

"These are just your friends, your best friends. Tomorrow, when you have to tell the world, will you stay behind and tell me to say it? Shu, I cannot always be there with you. You have to do it on your own. You have to learn to do things yourself. Go!"

Shu gathered her courage and went to the living room. Arora stayed behind the wall and watched them.

"Umm, hi, Valt, Xander!"

"Uhh.. hey." Xander said with confusion. They were both shocked to see the girl in front of them. Who was she? What was she doing here? How did she know their names? "May I ask who are you?" He continued.

"I-..." She waited a moment, then continued, "I am Shu."

A shocked look could be seen in both of their faces. "What!" They gasped.

"Yeah, you heard me right. I am Shu Kurenai, your friend."

"But how is it possible? You're a girl and Shu is a boy." Valt said, "You're lying."

Arora came in the room and said, "She isn't lying, Valt. She is Shu."

"What! No way!"

"But, how is this possible?" Xander asked.

"Through a surgery. SRS."

"What's SRS?" Valt asked.

"In simple words, gender change surgery."

"Huh! But, why did you do it?" Xander asked.

"I did not. Someone made me go through it. When I woke up Sunday morning, I was like this."

"When did you come home then, and how?"

"I came here that day itself."

"And you didn't meet us till now!"

Arora had went to her bedroom while they were talking. She came now with a bag in her hand and said, "Hey, guys, I have to go somewhere. I have some important work. You keep on talking. I've made some food, you can eat it. Sit and talk." She gestured her hand towards the sofa(s).

He's now she! (Shu Kurenai of BeyBlade burst)Where stories live. Discover now