Next step

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Arora's POV

It's morning again.. finally. I haven't been able to sleep well in the past few days. And, I don't know what Shu is gonna do next. I know this is very difficult for her. But I'll try my best to make it a little easier.. I'll stay by her side in every step she takes and also help her make the right decision.

Today is the fifth day. It's Thursday. It's been just 5 days but it feels like more than a week have passed. Oh, the Beyblade National Tournament's individual matches are nearing. I wonder if Shu would be able to participate.

End of POV

"Anyways," she said, "let's see." She followed her morning routine. The two siblings haven't spoken to each other yet. Nobody knows what will happen next.

Arora went to school and came back. Shu's friends were also tensed about him. When Arora saw them, she thought 'we have to do something quickly.'

Back at home, Shu was waiting for her. It was time that they talk again. After lunch, when Arora was going back to her room after completing washing the dishes, she saw Shu waiting outside the kitchen for her.


"Ah.. sis..." Shu was looking downwards. Arora looked at her. "I'm sorry for yesterday's behavior." Shu continued.

"No, you don't need to be sorry. I should be."

"You already said sorry. And it's.. okay. I'm sorry, too."

"You've always been such a good younger sibling." Arora said in a very low tone that Shu couldn't hear.

Arora's POV


Shu washing the dishes and letting his sister rest.

Shu cooked food for them.

Shu helping his sister with other household work.

Flashback ends...

End of POV

"Sis, I wanted to talk to you about something." Shu said.

"What is it?" Arora asked.

"Umm... Let's sit and talk" Shu said

"Okay." Arora replied.

They went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"What should we do next?" Shu asked. Arora gave a little surprised reaction on her face.

*sighs* (**A/N Arora**)

"The tournament.. it is nearing. But I was thinking... Of quitting it, I-... Let's not.. tell the people..."

*gasps* "Shu.." Arora said in a low understanding tone, "Really? You wanna quit this tournament?"

"Yeah sis" Shu replied

"But it was your dream to win it."

"I know, sis. But, now.."

"Nothing's changed" Arora said with belief

"No, sis. Everything's changed. Nothing is the same anymore"

"So.." Arora said in a deep tone, "What do you want to do next? Shu, what does your heart say?"

"My heart wants to wake up one day and find that all this was a dream"

"But, you have to make a decision" Arora said convincingly.

"Yeah. I know. That's why I'm asking you."

"Okay. Let's think you've quit the tournament. So, what now?"

"I don't know"

"You should know. And only you would know"

*exhales* (**A/N Shu**)

Arora continued, "When you resume school, what will you do? When you grow up, how will you live? Only you can answer these questions. No one else can."

"I've been thinking about it since the start. And I've.. thought something."

"What?" Arora questioned.

"I'll change my name. I'll get a new identity."

"What! Are you insane? Have you even thought about it properly?"

"I have, sis. I've thought it over and over. But this is the only solution I found." Shu said in a sad tone

"And what about your friends? They're so worried about you!"

"Uhmm.. sis, what do you think, should I tell Valt?"

"Only him?" Arora asked

"Ahh... Yeah"

"But the others worry about you too."

"I know. But I can't publicize this."

"Publicize? Shu, telling your friends doesn't mean publicizing anything." Arora explained.

Shu looked down with a sad face

And then she continued, "Shu, I know this is difficult for you. But, the decision you make now will affect your whole life."

"But.. but I can't make a decision."

"It's okay. You don't need to make a decision right away. There is no hurry. Take your time. Think about it calmly. And then make your decision."

"Okay" Shu replied.

"Okay, now. It's time to make the dinner ready." Arora said and went to the kitchen. She started preparing dinner.

Shu went back to her room. She thought about what to do next. After some time, Arora called her for dinner. At the dinner table, there was complete silence till Arora said, "Shu, aunt called. And..."

There was silence for some time until Shu finally spoke, "And what?"

"And.. she said... Ahh," Arora replied, "Shu, listen to me carefully. If you want, you can change back to a boy. You can have SRS again. You can do this after a few months. Aunt told this to me when she called."

"Few months."



Arora nodded


"What do you think, Shu?"

"Umm.. I- Ahh"

"You should do what you want. What do you want?"

"What do I want, Sis? I don't know."

"That's alright. As I said earlier, take your time. Your life, how it'll be here onwards depends on this decision. So, make it carefully."


After dinner, Shu went to her room. She lied down on her bed, but couldn't fall asleep. She kept on thinking about that.

What should Shu do now? What'll be her final decision after all?


I can't believe it took me so long to write this. I'm really sorry for the delay. Hope you liked the chapter. Please don't forget to read the A/N and comment.

Word count: 933

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