Confront (1)

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After some time, two police vehicles, a small ambulance and a fire brigade reached the place. The brigade got busy putting down the fire. The people of one of the cars started to close one side of the road and the people of the other car started marking the area of the accident.

Two people wearing white coats came and took the two kids on the ground in the ambulance. They were given first-aid in the van. They were offered water to drink. After that, they were taken to one of the police vehicles.

The fire had been put down and the brigade had left. After they had got down the ambulance, it left as well.

They were made to sit at the back of the car and a senior officer took the passenger seat. A junior was driving the car. Once they reached the destination, the kids were taken inside the police station. They were offered to sit on the couch while the officer sat in a chair in front of them and the junior stood in the side.

"Hi," the senior said, "how are you two?"

"We're fine." Arora said worriedly, "Where are mom and dad?"

"Uh.. your mom and dad are not here right now."

"Are they alright?"

"Uhh... Yeah." He said in a voice trying to cheer them up, "So, where were you going?"

"We were going on a vacation. A family vacation. For a week. Mom and dad don't get off from work often. And they had been working a lot these days. We were going out after a long time. Will.. will they be alright?" Her eyes began to tear up.

He comforted her and said, "Yes, yes they will."

After she had calmed down, he asked her their parents' names to make sure they figured it out correctly. They called their father's younger brother, Joydan, who was apparently out of town and couldn't come to the police station right away. The other person they called was their mother's younger sister, Stacy, who came to the police station as soon as possible after hearing the news. She was devastated by the news of her sister and brother-in-law's death but had be strong for Arora and Shu. They couldn't see her like that. They did not know their parents were dead yet. She came and took them to her home from the police station.

The next day Joydan had returned. That was when all the drama begun. He wanted to take the kids with him. They both knew that the money their parents left will only be handled by the one they stayed with. They both also knew that Joydan was in need of money at that time as he had to begin his own startup. Courts, legal papers and so much was involved in this fight to get the kids' custody. In the end, Stacy was was able to win this battle.

Since then, many years have passed. But, still, this is a day which Shu and Arora have not been able to forget.

In current time...
After many days of trying to find evidence, when Stacy got nothing, she finally decided to confront Joydan directly.

Arora and Shu wanted to accompany her. So they all reached Joydan's office. A man took them to the front of the door to his room. Outside it was marked as 'CEO'.

Stacy told them to wait outside and not come in till she asks them to. Then she went in. A man wearing a suit was standing inside as if waiting for her.

"Mrs. Stacy, I was surprised to hear that you are here. I thought you never wanted to see me after all that happened."

"Stop playing games, Joydan. We both know why I am here."

"No, I don't know why you are here. How would I know? Now I don't keep on spying on you all the time, do I?"

"Ugh. Just stop it. What do you want? Just tell it already."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"How much more money do you want?"

"Where does that come from? Why do you think I'd want money all of a sudden?"

"You remember well all that happened 8 years ago. You remember the deal, don't you?"

"Of course I remember. You let me have their house which I sold and got money for my startup and gave you the kids' custody in exchange while it was clearly stated that I will get their custody if their parents died."

"So, what do you want this time?"

"I don't want anything. I don't understand, why did you come here all of a sudden after 8 years asking such wierd questions?"

"Don't act as if you don't know. I know very well that it's you who did that to Shu."

"Did what? And what happened to Shu?"

"Stop acting, Joydan. Just tell me clearly what you want. You'll get it."

"I don't want anything. I told you. But what happened to Shu?"

"Just, stop. Tell me the truth. What was your motive behind that?"

"Behind what?"

"Just stop it already. And tell me, why did you make Shu go through SRS?"

"What! How'd that happen? And what are you saying? Was he forced to do it?"

"Who do you think you're fooling with your acting. We both know what kind of person you are."

"How bad do you think I am? Why would I do that to Shu?"

"Joydan, just tell the truth. Why did you do it?"

"You think I am so bad? I can't even think about it and you're saying I did it."

"Yeah. Weren't the one who wanted to take over the money sis and brother-in-law left?"

"Yeah, but I was sure my startup was going to be successful. You can see it now. I have my own company. So much money. If you would've left them with me, they would've been able to live a rich life."

"If it's not you, then who did it?"

"How would I know that?"

"Ugh." She went to the door, opened it and asked the children to come in. "Kids, I was wrong. Your uncle didn't do anything. He isn't a person that bad. Please forgive him."

Arora said with surprise, "Aunt, what are you saying?"

"I'm telling the truth. Please forgive him."

Both the kids went and hugged him. All three of them had tears in their eyes.


Another chapter done!! Alright, just one more chapter left. Please have some patience guys, last chapter is coming soon. I guess I'll post it in this month. I love y'all! Thanks for all the love and support! And, stay tuned!

Word count: 1123

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