Reveal (1)

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Arora was in the living room with Shu after seeing off Valt. She said, "Shu, I talked to aunt today."

"Did you go to visit her now?"

"Yeah, I went to her place now."

"So, what did you two talk about?"

"She suspects uncle Joydan to have done this to you."

"Uncle Joydan?"

"Yeah. You heard me right. That's him."

"Uhh.. but why would he?"

"And said his motive was revenge."


"Remember, when mom and dad died, he wanted to take away our dad's property?"

"Yeah, you told me about that."

"And then we cut all ties with him. Maybe he's taking revenge on us for not giving him the property."

"Are you sure it is him?"

"Yeah. Who else would it be? There is nobody other than him with a motive to do this."

"Hmm.. so, what are you going to do?"

"The police investigation is going on. Let's see what to do next."

"Okay. And, sis, I'm going to meet the Beyclub members tomorrow. I have to tell them about this."

"Tomorrow? That's good. Seems like you've got some courage after talking to your friends."

After having dinner, Shu received a call from Valt. "Hello?"

"Hey, Shu! I talked to the others. Let's meet tomorrow in our school rooftop at 11am."

"Yeah, alright. I'll be there."

Later that night, Shu was sitting on the ground in her room's balcony looking above at the sky.

'Mom... Dad...' Two people's images came in her eyes while looking at the stars. She closed them and thought about all the happy moments they spent together - as far as she could remember.

All running in the amusement park having fun.
Having a wonderful time at family picnic.
Cutting cakes on special occasions.....

The next morning, Arora received a call from aunt. The investigation was going on, but there was not a single clue found yet.

Stacy had talked to the police officers.

"Who had performed the surgery?"

"No idea, ma'am. We're still trying."

That morning, Shu got ready to go outside. She was going outside for the first time after coming back home like this. When she reached the rooftop, Valt was waiting in the entrance for him.

"Shu, you're here!"


"Come with me." He started walking toward where the other people were standing. Shu took a deep breath and followed him.

"Hey, Valt. You're here. Who's that?" Rantaro looked at the girl walking behind him.

"This is Shu."

"What?" He gasped.

"Are you joking?" Daigo said.

"Stop kidding." said Wakiya.

"I'm not lying! I told you this is something really important."

"Huh! But, how's that even possible?" Wakiya asked.

"Someone made me go through SRS." Shu replied.

"What's that?" Rantaro asked.

He's now she! (Shu Kurenai of BeyBlade burst)Where stories live. Discover now