Final Chapter

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"A new post has been trending now. Beyblade fans from all over the country are shocked.
The head of the Beyblade committee made a startling statement. It was totally unexpected."
Stated the Standard Japan newspaper.

Few days earlier...

Shu was in her room when a notification popped on her phone.

[New post] [You are tagged]
[DK, head, WBBA Japan] 1m

She had thought it would be another message of pity. She opened it. It read-

㊀DK_ 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽 1m

Everybody, I wanted to make a confession. The one who made Shu Kurenai, the renowned beyblader go through SRS was me.
I made a big mistake. And I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. I know my apology won't change anything, but I realise my mistake and deeply want to apologise.
My son, Kenzo likes beyblading a lot. He was going to participate in this year's nationals. I was scared that he might lose in front of beybladers like the Supreme Four. I wanted him to win and not get disappointed. So I decided to crush these other beybladers' careers.
That is why I made Shu Kurenai go through this pain. I thought this would stop him from playing Beyblade anymore.
I did not have a close relationship with my son. When he told me he wanted to participate in this competition, I wanted to do everything I could. When he found out about it, he was very disappointed with me. He should be, I am a very bad father and a very bad person. What I did, is not acceptable. And I am ready to face the consequences. I misused my power for my own benefit.
Thereby, I say sorry once again.

Shu was in disbelief. What had he just read? Was it true? The thing she loved the most in her life, Beyblade, changed her life forever.

The man was imprisoned and also had to pay a compensation fee. Finally, she knew The Culprit.



I'm sorry it wasn't any longer. I know it's bad. Sorry.

I had actually written it last summer when I completed this book. It's been almost a year it had been lying in the drafts. So I decided to publish it. It was supposed to be a bonus chapter.

I sincerely thank you all for reading this book. It means a lot to me. Lots Of Love, Tina.

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