DNA test

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Third Day

The day begun as the Sun rose high in the sky. 7 A.M. Time to wake up for Arora. She took a leave from school today, as she had to go to the hospital for the DNA test.

After she had brushed her teeth, she was going to the kitchen for breakfast but the doorbell rang. It was aunt.

"Oh! Aunt. Please come in."

"Yeah. Did you checked if she is awake or not till now?"

"No. But I'll go now."

She went to Shu's room to check on her. She was still asleep. Arora woke her up and said, "Time to get up."

"Morning, sis."

"Go freshen up and get ready. We have to go to the hospital now."

"Hospital? Why?"

"You need to get a blood test done."

"Huh! But why?"

"You just had a surgery and these are needed to be done, you know."

"Then why didn't you told me before?"

"The doctor just told us yesterday. And I was so tired that I forgot to tell you. Sorry!"

"No.. no.. it's okay. I'll go get ready." Shu said and went to the washroom.

Arora's POV

Really? Is it? I mean.. all this. Is it really okay? I don't know. But, I'll say this, I'm sorry.

What if the reports say that you.. are Shu... What will happen then? What will I do? No. No. No. Don't think about all this now. No. No.

End of POV

Arora went to the kitchen and saw aunt was already there.

"Arora, have she woke up?"

"Yeah aunt. She's getting ready."


There was silence. Arora stood there with her hands crossed, leaning on the wall. Then she spoke, "Aunt?"

"Yeah Arora"

"What if the test results say that she is" She looked down at the ground and whispered "Shu."

"What will happen? Nothing. Nothing's gonna change. If you are okay with it."

She looked up again and said, "And, if she finds out that we had to do a DNA test to trust her?"

"See, Arora, the truth is not unacceptable. But, it takes time, for people to believe."

She made a gesture showing that she understood. She went to the dining room and sat on one of the chairs.

After some time, Shu came and aunt brought the food to the dining table. They ate it and went down the apartment.

The car stopped in front of the hospital and they got down. Aunt talked to the receptionist and then she said, "Let's go"

They went to the third floor in the elevator. There, aunt talked to a nurse about something and she took them outside a room and told them to wait there. She went inside the room and then came out and said, "Please go inside the room for the test."

Aunt told Shu to go inside and she went. Then the nurse said to Arora, "And you, come this way." Arora glanced at aunt who nodded at her and she followed behind the nurse.

After a while, Shu came out of the room. When she didn't see her sister there, she asked aunt where she is and aunt told that she went to the restroom.

There went towards the elevator and Arora joined them there. Then they went back home.

Aunt opened the door and they all went inside.

"Now you both go and change." Aunt said.

Arora nodded. "Okay" Shu said and both went to their rooms.

Aunt prepared some food for them to eat while they came back.

"Come, eat it." Aunt said when she saw them. After they finished eating, aunt told Shu to take some rest and she went. After she had left, aunt said to Arora, "The test results will come tomorrow."

Then she took the utensils to the kitchen and started washing them. Arora got up and went to the balcony. She stood there with a blank face.

Time passed...

Stacy came to Arora and said, "I'm going back home now. You too go and rest. I've made something for lunch. Heat it and eat."

"Okay, aunt." Arora said and went with aunt towards the front door. She locked the door after aunt had left and went to her bedroom. She sat on the bed and looked outside the window. "Sorry" she whispered and lied down on her bed.

At Stacy's place...

Stacy sat on a couch in her room and thought ' I've stopped searching for Shu in the hope that this girl isn't lying. But if she is, I won't be able to forgive myself...'

Back at the apartment...

Arora got up. It was noon. She went to Shu's room and saw that she is slowly opening her eyes. She closed the door and went to the kitchen. She heated the food, served it and took it to Shu's room. Then she eats herself too and washes the dishes. She went to her room and studied till it was dark. She turned the lights on and checked on Shu who seemed to be talking to his bey. She went to her room and continued to study as she didn't wanted to think anything about Shu.

The day passed. Arora and Stacy are waiting for the reports that'll come tomorrow. While, Shu is unaware of it. What's gonna happen tomorrow? Is it gonna change everything?


Sorry for the delay 😓

Word count: 897

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