Crash (1)

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That night, Shu lay awake in her bed thinking about what was next. It is a big challenge. Announcing something like this in the public means more judgement about you by people. But, it was not about the people. It was about her own self. Everybody would know about it - her fans, rivals and haters. She did not care about the people's opinions, but was still worried about it for she knew that she had to live in the same society as them. Imagining what different people would say, thinking about their reactions and mostly the hate she was going to face, made her anxious. She turned her head and fixed her eyes on the photo of a young couple kept on her bedside table.

"Mom, dad."

She closed her eyes trying not to cry.

"Whenever you remember mom and dad, remember them happily."

"I told you I would, but it's hard." She blinked and then closed her eyes. Her mind went into a flashback.

8 years ago..

It was a bright sunny day. The Kurenais' house was hustling with noises. A young lady with straight white-coloured hair was calling to her husband, "Have you kept all the stuff in the car?"

"Yeah." The man with black, shaggy hair replied.

"Mom, how long is it gonna take?" A little young girl asked.

"Just a little more time, dear. The food is getting cooked. Are you ready?" The mother said.

"Yes, mom. I'm ready."

"Have you taken all your stuff?"

"Yes, mom."

"Your toothbrush, hanky, comb, water bottle" she seemed to be recalling the list.

"Yes mom, I've taken everything."

"Are you sure? Check again, you won't be able to get something if you forget it. We're going out for a whole week. Have you packed accordingly?"

"Yes, mom. I'm all done. Please, be quick. We'll be late."

"Yeah, yeah. Just a little more time. You go in and check on your father and brother. See if they're ready or not."

"Okay." She left for the rooms upstairs. The doors to the rooms were open. Inside one of them was a man kneeling down beside the bed while a little boy was seated on the bed.

"Are you ready, dad?" She asked going into the room.

"Yeah, sweetie."

"And what about you?" She said turning her hands towards the little boy putting her hands on her waist. He nodded with a smile in his face. She smiled. "So, dad, is everything ready?"


"Completely ready?"

"If course."


"What are you all doing?" The lady said, walking in.

"Nothing just discussing." The girl replied.

"Yeah." The man agreed. "Are you done with the food?"

"Yeah. I've kept the food in the car." She said walking into the bathroom attached to that room.

"It's been a long time since we went on a vacation. I'm so excited!" The girl told her father.

"Me too!" The father said matching her energy.

Afterwards they were looking carefully through the house before locking and leaving it. The lady locked the house' main door while the man seated the kids in the car.

The man pulled open the driver's seat door when the woman came in front of the passenger seat door and asked, "Are you driving?"

"Yeah. How can I leave this opportunity to get to drive your car?" He replied.

She smiled and got in the car. The car crossed the city that was going to get jammed in some time for the office hours. It flew on the highway alone, occasionally meeting a few cars going both directions. It was almost noon time and they had covered at least half the distance.

"Kids, are hungry? Wanna grab some burgers?" The mother called out towards her kids.

"Yeah!" The girl exclaimed and took a burger.

"And Shu? You don't want to eat?" She looked towards the younger one. He shook his head. "Alright then."

The car kept on running with music playing in the background which was sometimes interrupted by the little chitter chatter of the family.

It was afternoon time when they were beginning to think about stopping their car somewhere to eat. The bright, sunny day was beginning to cloud up.

"I think we'll find a better spot ahead." Said the man.

"The weather doesn't seem to be much good now. It's better we eat quickly and reach there soon." The woman beside him said.


The car started to speed up. The woman asked, "What's wrong? Why're you speeding up the car instead of slowing it down?"

"I.." the car continued to speed up. The lady looked towards her husband, confused. "Oh.. my.." he muttered.

"The brakes aren't working!" He announced.

"What? How can that.."

"There's no time for that. Jump out of the car! Go. Go with the kids."

The lady turned towards the back of the car. "Kids, jump out of the car. Remove your seatbelt and jump out of the car. There's no time for questions. Go. We'll come after you. Aurora, hold your younger brother's hand. And don't leave him ever. Always stay together. Go!"

The girl didn't take a second more to start removing her seatbelt and then her brother's. The car was moving too fast and it was difficult for the kids to balance. But she somehow managed to push the door open. The next thing they knew, they were thrown out of the car by the overwhelming speed of the car and the contrast created by the air.

"What about you? Go!"

"And you?"

"I can't leave from the driver's seat."

"I can't leave without you."

"This is no time to joke. Go."

"Love is not a joke." She said and held his hand tight. He felt the seriousness through her words. He held her hand back tighter.

Shu and Aurora saw the speeding car take a turn and hit a tree on the opposite side of the road.

"Mom! Dad! No!"

There was the sound of an explosion. Fire broke out. A lot of black smoke was coming from that spot. Both the car and the tree were on fire. There was thunder and lightning in the sky; and an accident on the ground.

The kids sat in the middle of the road, tears slipping through their little eyes all the way down through those soft cheeks to the hard, concrete road that didn't even let a single drop to seep in. There was not a single vehicle on the road coming from either side.


This was the most difficult part to write.. but I did it 💪 And don't worry it's continued in the next chapter (⁠✿⁠^▽^⁠) I didn't wanna make this chapter too long and keep you waited for it such a long time. So it ends in between but it's connected in the next chapter. I'll be updating soon this time. See ya'!

Word count: 1150

He's now she! (Shu Kurenai of BeyBlade burst)Where stories live. Discover now