The decision (1)

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Hola readers! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I was scared to write this as it's one of the major parts. Sorry again! Hope you like this one.

The Sun rose again. It was another new day. But it felt like any other. Many things were undecided. Many things had to be done. All that is needed to do is to take a deep breath and open your eyes... to reality.

The alarm went off. Arora woke up and followed her daily routine. After making breakfast ready, she went and stood in front of that room. She was nervous to open the door. She wondered if Shu had made her decision.

She slightly opened the door. Shu was standing there. She turned around when she heard the sound of the door opening.


"Yeah, sis"

"You're already awake?"

"Yeah. I couldn't sleep well last night. I kept thinking about it. But I've made my decision."

"So you've decided what you're gonna do?


"Good then," Arora said with a smile. "But you should've slept nicely at night. You should take proper rest or you won't be able to recover."

"Yeah but, I couldn't help."

"Hmm... Okay. Now come and have your breakfast. We'll talk about it afterward."

Arora didn't want to talk about it, in other words, she was not ready yet. On the other hand, Shu wanted to talk about it as soon as possible and know her sister's thoughts about this decision. They went and sat at the dining table. Arora served the food and they started eating.

"Sis, I think I'm gonna tell the people," Shu spoke after a long silence.

"You sure?" Arora replied calmly.

"Yeah. Why? Is there anything wrong with that?"

"No. It's just that yesterday you didn't want to tell the people and today you've decided to tell them. It's strange."

"A quick change perhaps. I've thought about it thoroughly and I think you were right."

"Okay, I guess."

Then, there was silence for a long until Arora spoke again, "So, it's your final decision?"

"Yeah.. if you're okay with it."

"Why would I have a problem with that?"

"Hm. 'K then. I think I'll tell Valt first. I want my best friends to know it first."

"Okay. When do you want to tell him?"

"I don't know. As soon as possible."

"Hmm... Want me to call him over tomorrow?"

"Umm... Yeah, if that's alright with you."

"Of course it's alright. Do you have anything else to say?"

"Umm... I just wish Xander could be here as well."

"Hmm... Don't worry you'll see him soon again."

Arora left for school.

Shu went back to her room and looked out the window. She thought, 'Mom, dad, I've done what you told me to. And soon, I'll tell other people too. Starting is tomorrow.'

At school...

During recess, Arora went around the school trynna find Valt. She found him at last on the rooftop. He was there with the rest of the Beyclub. When Rantaro saw her at the entrance of the rooftop, he went to her and said, "Hey! I'm not trying to disrespect you, but whatever you said to Valt that day would've been something rude, I can feel it. I know he can be annoying sometimes, but that doesn't mean you've to be rude to him. After all, he was only worried about Shu. We all are. He's been upset the whole week since he last met you." Rantaro looked toward Valt. He was sitting on the bench with a sad face looking downwards. Arora felt bad for what she said that day. "I was a little bit too rude that day. Maybe I should go apologize. Can you please let me talk to him alone for a sec?" she said. Rantaro replied, "Sure!"

Shu's POV

Last night, I had a dream. Mom and dad were standing in front of me. They told me to tell everyone the truth. Yeah, it would do no harm, to tell the truth. Because, at last truth wins.

Mom: Shu, you don't have to live in hiding. You deserve to live the rest of your life just as you have till now.

Dad: Do you not like the name we gave you, 'Shu'? Do you not want to put your parents' surname after your name? Please, don't change your name, for our sake.

At school...

"Valt, I know I was very rude to you back then. I shouldn't have been. I was not in my mind. I'm sorry. But I have to tell you something which will probably cheer you up. It's about Shu."

"What is it? What is it?"

"Come to our house tomorrow. I've something for you."

"Did you find Shu? Is he home?"

"You'll know when you come tomorrow."

"Woah! I can't wait."

"And, one more thing. If you can, please bring Xander along with you tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll try. But, why?"

"I told ya'. You'll find it out tomorrow."

"Too much suspense isn't good, man!"

Arora walked away with a smile spread across her face. Valt returned to the others. They were quite surprised to see him not sad anymore.

"What did she tell you, Valt?" Daigo asked.

"Umm.. nothing much."

"Did they find Shu?"

"I don't know. She didn't tell me anything."

"Then what did you two talk about?"

"I told you. Nothing."

"Hmm.. alright then."

At home...

Arora went in looking for Shu.


"Oh, hi sis. You're already home."

"Yeah. And I have some news for you. Guess what?"

"Umm, I don't know. What is it?"

"Valt's coming over tomorrow. And maybe you'll get a surprise as well."

"Really? Sis, did you invite him? That's great."

Arora smiled looking at Shu.

At Valt's home...



"Hey, Xander!"

"Hey, Valt, what's up? Any news about Shu?

"Yeah, his sister called me and you to their home tomorrow. Is it possible for you to come?"

"Huh, but, why?"

"I don't know that. She told me we'll find out once we get there. So, are you coming?"

"I wonder why did she call only the two of us. Anyway, I'll come."

"That's good. See you around, then."

"Yeah, see you. Bye!"



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Next up: How are Valt and Xander gonna react when they find out what happened to Shu? Aunt suspects someone for doing this to Shu! Who is it? And is her doubt correct? Read on to know more...

Word count: 1089

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