Chapter 2

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Hey hey people, Seth here!

Except not really, it is your guy, Ryujin Maou. It seems that the title of my story is somewhat misleading, but the ruse worked at the least. Or not, it wasn't really planned. This story is somewhat of a mish-mash of ideas that I gathered due to a bunch of games, especially Code: Vein, but also from Vampyr and others that I have forgotten right now. Sorry if you were mislead, but right now I might even take some 40K inspiration and give Izuku some BloodKnight tendencies or make him akin to a Kornee worshipper. Hope you enjoy the story!

Chapter 02: [Crimson Training Days]

One of the best aspects of his quirk was the energy that came with it as the night swallowed the daylight.

Izuku loved the rush of power that came to him in the deep of the night, when most of the city was asleep. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, the Hemomancer was out for one of his usual strolls, enjoying the thrill of it. The habit had been one that he picked up to burn the excess of energy that came when the sun went down, and it had improved his physical aspects. His frame still appeared lean and thin, but under his clothes were compact muscles that allowed him to easily move like a phantom in the night.

Besides, night time was when some of the most dangerous villains were out to commit their evil deeds, but also was the time when the lesser known - yet equally important - heroes went about to reduce the criminal activity. Hidden and out of sight, Izuku could appreciate real-time hero fieldwork. His notes in Stealth-based combat had been filled to the brim, courtesy of Pro-hero Eraserhead. He had also noted down the practical [Cat Combat] that had been developed by the group [Wild Pussy-cats].

This time the green haired teen was in search of the poorly dressed man, Eraserhead, hoping to see him in action once more.

Today had been rather quiet, meaning that Izuku had a notebook rather empty. The Vampire/Hemomancer sighed and left his perch atop an AC unit, the angle of it allowing him to hide rather well when he leaned against it. Deciding to settle in for the day, the teen took his time to stretch and work out the kinks from being in a single position for such a long amount of time. Searching his backpack for a quick drink, Izuku grabbed the mostly cooled off bloodbag inside his pack and sank his fangs into it, quickly draining the plastic of its contents.

Letting out a pleased noise after gulping down the somewhat bland tasting blood, Izuku wiped the corner of his mouth his hand.

"Guessing something isn't going to happen today after all. I was hopping even for a purse-snatcher, but well." Izuku said to himself, glancing at the screen of his phone and checking the time. Seeing as he still had quite sometime before dawn, the vampire decided to work with his quirk. Normally, training his quirk was hard, seeing as he had to bleed to have access to his most useful tool, it was quite understandable that there were no places that were willing to let Izuku use their facilities.

As such, the hemomancer mostly experimented in the deep nights, far from his home. He would definitively give his mother a heart-attack if she were to see him cutting himself to have access to his blood.

Chuckling to himself at the thought, Izuku quickly sliced at his wrist with the aid of his sharp claws. Closing his eyes to better his focus, Izuku tapped into his power. The slow flow of blood from his wrist quickly obeyed his command, settling over the cut wrist and covering the entirety of his arm up to his elbows in richly colored crimson. [Advanced Hemomancy] was quite complicated, as the vampire had to focus in the image of his armament, control the flow of blood and micro-manage the amount of blood he had outside of his body.

As much cool as it was to be able to use his blood however he wanted, there was also the fact that he was using his own life force to display battle prowess. If he were to pull too much out of his body at once, he could lose control of the life liquid and go into shock. If only that were the only problem, the teen would not complain too much. Izuku knew of his thirst for fresh blood, and he theorized that should he ever lose control of himself, [Hunter Senses] would trigger.

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