Chapter 20

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Beginning of a new year so that we can forget the shitshow that was 2020, let's see if 2021 is better or worse. Still haven't managed the P/atreon account, have been busy with real life shit so please don't stone me for being unable to provide NSFW on Blood God and Shield Hero, I just need a bit more time. On other news, we shall now begin growing Vampire Izuku's confidence and attitude.

The [Hero Killer]-arc brings opportunities to explore dark aspects of the hero society of MHA as well as how far one can fall when completely dedicated to an ideal.

I 'm going to brush up on knowledge (relationships and whatnot) since I plan on expading the inner circle of friends of our emerald haired vampire, as well as trying to work around the harem issue (don't expect lemons/ecchi chapters for a while).

PS. Anyone wants to see a little something called Chibaku Tensei? I'm working on how the move can be accomplished and so far Izuku has 2 out of the 6 or 7 quirks I feel could pull such move. Is it op? Most definively. Yet such power won't be ready for use so soon, but do give some feedback and try to figure out which quirks are the ones needed for that.

[Chapter 20: Shinobi Training]

Izuku was fast due to the very nature of his quirk. His perception of time was faster than most people and he could push his brain to slow the world to a crawl; his body would also respond in kind and follow through with his (sometimes absurd) wishes. Even then, the vampire was barely capable of catching glimpses of the way Edgeshot moved while he held Izuku in his grip. The ninja took Izuku from the tea house in a blurring manner, the urban environment of Kage no Machi (Shadow City) quickly giving away to the famous mountainous forests that the Iga Prefecture was known for; On mere minutes the city and its buildings had vanished and only trees could be seen by the vampire.

Just as sudden as he was grabbed, Izuku was released by the shinobi, finally being allowed to take in his surroundings.

Right in front of the vampire where a few wooden buildings, a bigger one standing right in the middle of it most likely being a dojo if the vampire's hearing was correct. Everything looked like it had been taken from a manga about shinobi, the buildings having a special charm to them that was unmatched even by the grandeur of the big city. A sort of timeless appeal, a temple of hidden knowledge that was about to invite him to learn to be a better hero.

There were sidekicks and other staff members working about, everyone giving the duo respectful nods to acknowledge their arrival. Edgeshot glanced at Izuku, making sure that the vampire had collected himself well enough; his check-up done, the ninja began to walk once more.

"Follow me." His short words woke Izuku from his stupor, the vampire focusing all his senses on the Pro. Edgeshot might have been standing right there, visible for all to see, but Izuku felt that if he blinked to slow then he would miss the hero – Edgeshot was that good at hiding his presence – which baffled the teen.

Outside of his [Hunter Instincts], the vampire had enhanced senses that should have been able to detect the man even with all his skill (you couldn't exactly hide your heartbeat after all), yet every one of his senses were surpassed almost too easily, granting the pro an easy shot at Izuku. The vampire pondered these thoughts as he followed the shinobi, having to pay extra attention to keep his attention on the man. They headed in one of the buildings, a dormitory, and Edgeshot pointed to a corridor with many doors.

"Pick one, they are mostly the same. Suit up and meet me at the dojo in ten minutes." Edgeshot said while motioning the corridor. Izuku looked at the doors, his head turning back to meet empty space as the shinobi had vanished like he was mist. How does he do that? The vampire pondered, picking up his belongings and heading to the last door to the right.

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