Chapter 11

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Nothing much to say.

Ohh, wait! There is one warning! SEX! Sex happens, so if you are offended by that you...should not have clicked in this story, nerd!

I took this chapter to be a small timer and breather, since the last chapters have been rather battle-centric, so my focus was mostly in character interactions. Hope I did a decent job, since I'm no professional writer!

Enjoy it!

Also, last warning!

THERE WILL BE EXPLICIT CONTENT DEALING WITH ECCHI! Last time we had one for violence, so expect these warning no more, since this is an M-rated story!

Later, and stay safe all of you!

Chapter 11: [MINE!]

"I didn't think that this was possible!" Izuku murmured to himself, looking at his reflection in front of the mirror of the hospital.

He was pretty much unharmed from the confrontation at the USJ, the only procedures he had to run through were a bath (since he was still caked in dry blood when he arrived) and a check-up, which did not last long. It was impressive that U.A had facilities on par with the most advanced hospitals, but the vampire tallied it to the incredibly deep pockets of the principal and his ability to get more sponsors than the other 9 top-hero schools in the country. After his exams told Recovery Girl that he had no damage whatsoever aside from his tiredness, the elder nurse allowed him some free time.

Besides, that talk with All Might had been rather touching for him.

Izuku had that insecurity deep inside his heart, even after all the years that he spent building up himself for U.A, there was always that little cloud of doubt that troubled him. His monstrous quirk.

It felt as if a great weight had been lifted from his back, hearing those words. The vampire excused himself and made his way to the closest bathroom, hoping to avoid crying in front of all those inside the room. About twenty minutes later, he managed to reign in the tears and recompose himself enough to be presentable. And then, he quickly took a peek at the mirror to check his appearance.

All over his face ran tiny white lines. Scarring tissue. They had no specific pattern, running all over his face like white lightning, giving him an even weirder look. They weren't so showy that people would constantly stare at him, but anyone that took the time to look at him would make out the jagged patterns. He was intrigued as to how such thing would happen, considering that [High-Speed Regeneration] had him outright stick his arm back in place, but he opted to feel himself lucky that these "scars" were all that remained of his encounter with the villain Shigaraki.

That, and the disgusting feeling of having the villain's blood running inside him.

The vampire continued staring at himself in the mirror, this time focusing more in his life-liquid than his outer fleshy-self. His surroundings darkened as Izuku began mind-diving, tones of crimson being his new sight. The feeling of his heart pumping all the blood inside his body, merely waiting for any command that he might give. The rivers inside his vessels, all of it eager and at his beckoning call.

The feeling was intoxicating, but the vampire had business to attend.

Focusing further, the hemomancer wished for the most recent quirk-factors to present themselves to him, calling the consumed blood obey the command of its' superior. Like rusty gears, the foreign blood slowly unwound itself from his life-force, unwilling to be fully decoded. It mattered not what its' wish was, for Izuku's will was imperative here.

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