Chapter 05: [Judger of Crimson Eyes]

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Izuku swore that he was going crazy with the wait. It had been almost over a week after the test in U.A and the green haired vampire was somewhat worried that he was not going to get an answer from the high school. Had they profiled him a danger to the other students due to his [Quirk]?

There was no way of knowing this, and that was after he combed through the web for any information he could find about it. Nothing outstanding came out of his search, his only findings were some trolls in online forums making false statements with how they had passed the exams.

The vampire sighed. He was somewhat ashamed of the way he had performed in the day. All contact Izuku had to combat had been ambushes or short instances where he had overwhelmed his adversaries with [Hemomancy]. During the physical portion of the exams, he had cut loose and simply let his body guide him. How that had resulted in his new Ultimate Move was a shocker to the pale teen.

After he destroyed the entirety of the 0-Pointer's inner structure, Izuku found that the red haze of bloodlust that overcame him also left him pretty much drained of strength for a while. Lucky him that Recovery Girl was running rounds as one of the staff-members. She first offered to heal him using her power, but the vampire had only needed to drain one or two blood bags for him to be up-and-running again.

It went without saying that of course he only got to drink his treat after he hid inside the nurse's office and had no one looking at him as he fed. Plenty of people were already shell-shocked after his stunt when releasing [Rage], there was no need for him to add to the list.

The vampire tried to distract himself by fiddling with his phone, but nothing of interest caught his attention, leaving the hemomancer to ponder alone in his room. His mother was out working to cover a shift for a friend of hers, so he had the apartment all to himself. Not that he could do much with that, considering he was a loner.


His cellphone lit up with a text. Izuku slowly extended a tendril of blood from his left wrist to grab the device, lazily looking who had sent him the message. The image of pink dreadlocks smeared with a thick layer of grease and motor oil entered his sight, making Izuku stand up from his bed and go to the kitchen for a drink.

He unlocked the screen as he went to his mini-fridge, eyes skimming through the random assortment of blueprints that the girl had sent him to analyze and give his opinions about. Since Mei figured out that Izuku over-analyzed other people's quirks and their effectiveness for diverse applications, the girl began a full-assault upon his free time by working on diverse projects and presenting (read shoving in his face) him the fruits of her labor.

The majority of her projects were work-ready even in their crudest forms, but the little grease monkey was always going the extra mile in embellishing her "babies", which was the major cause for them exploding out of nowhere.

Izuku skimmed through most of the projects, bloodbag hanging from his lips as he slowly drained the contents. Her last batch of projects had been focused on his quirk, [True Ancestor], and to what limits he could push his abilities. She had been rather persistent in this, as an exception to the rule, the designs she had pushed out were all ineffective. The closest she had gotten to something that would aid him in the field were her nanomachines with a design focused on enhancing [Advanced Hemomancy].

Izuku left out the details in how he could acquire new abilities from the girl, otherwise she might began going around collecting blood from random people and try to feed it to him. His [High Speed Regeneration] would probably take care of any sickness that would come to him, but he preferred not to have to cure himself of nasty illnesses. Doctors had already tried settling a deal with both him and his mother in an attempt to create a miracle drug capable of healing anything. It did not go well. The healing factor in his bloodstream could only be triggered when his blood was fresh or in his command. Considering that, if he lost physical contact with any of his fluids it would degenerate rapidly, the efforts were mostly wasted.

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