Chapter 08: [Crimson Troubles II]

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Izuku was shivering. The feeling of powerlessness that was affecting him was unlike anything he felt before. Bakugou's bullying was a cake-walk compared to this. At least the vampire could regenerate the burns and bruises never lasted long enough, although the pain was always there; all in all, his problems were always manageable.

Not this time.

Under the powerful gaze of [Erasure], the vampire felt closer to death than ever before. [High-speed Regeneration] was one developed skill that assured Izuku could keep fighting even during the most dire of situations, but one gaze was all it took to blow his powers and confidence straight into the ground.

After being subjected under the scrutiny of his homeroom teacher for a few more seconds, Izuku felt the eyes of the teacher move somewhere else, allowing [True Ancestor] to work again without restrictions. Izuku immediately touched the pooled blood on the ground, hoping that it had not degenerated. He could still feel the teacher's gaze over his frame, but the important thing was that Eraserhead had not activated his quirk.

The vampire managed to get back about half the amount of blood he'd lost. He was feeling oozy, his strength had been depleted far more than what could be deemed acceptable – or safe – and the [Thirst] hit with full force, his eyes gaining their crimson gleam.

"Midoriya." Aizawa's stern voice settled the vampire back into full rationality. "You have five minutes to explain why where you here." The pro could look like a vagabond, but Aizawa could pull off one of the most intimidating expressions he had seen.

"Sensei, I felt something weird approaching the school. That weird incident with the media invading campus must have been some kind of distraction, I felt killing intent heading this way, I swear sensei!" Izuku took a few deep breathes to stabilize himself. The [Thirst] made his vision flash with red and [Hunter Instincts] were screaming for Izuku to run and create the maximum amount of distance between him and the pro-hero.

This is the man that almost killed me.

He is a pro-hero! Caution is a must, and I was suspicious!

The [Inner Beast] whispered into his ear, the line of thought seemed to have a life of its own, yet the hemomancer held it in the iron cage of his mind. He settled his green irises on Aizawa's black and suspicious eyes, focusing all his mind into rationale. Of course the pro would be suspicious of him. Skulking around when all the other students were supposed to have evacuated or were headed back to their classes, his behavior was the very definition of suspicious.

"If you could sense danger, you must have finely tuned senses. That being the case, why would you head towards danger?" Izuku almost flinched when his teacher asked the question.

The vampire clamped his hands shut, his blunt nails digging into his palms and piercing the skin.

"I have developed some new skills recently and I thought that I could apprehend the perpetrator. I just, my body moved on its own." The teen answered truthfully. Or the closest he could to being entirely truthful. Most of the reason was to capture the potential harmful enemy before he could hurt his fellow classmates, [Mesmerize] and [Coagulation] being almost hand-crafted skills to subdue without much fuss. The tiny part that Izuku kept to himself was the fact that his instincts told him that invasion upon his territory was absolutely unacceptable.

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