Chapter 27: [Growing Thirst III]

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Izuku laid on his provided bed, letting the sound of soft jazz coming from the room speakers (fancy room and all) lull him into a sense of easiness. The vampire idly messed with the red wristband on his right wrist, the metallic thing softly whirling mechanical beeps as it adjusted ever so slightly to the tension on his limb. The hemomancer wondered if he should be writing be writing some sort of apology letter, considering he had managed to wreck a fair bit of Melissa's personal lab with his stunt; the blonde American girl had dissuaded him against said efforts before, but Izuku couldn't exactly help the guilty feeling worming inside his mind.

Sure, he had said before that he took no responsibility for any damages, but that had been mostly a joke. The Shield girl had assured him that the laboratory had been built to withstand a fair bit of experimenting and damages, so he let out a half-power ultimate move at her request. A foolish endeavor – his mind echoed now that he had hindsight – he found himself led by the girl to act out.

The ultimate move had blown the target off, wrecking it and the wall behind it, luckily also blowing all the remaining smoke from the room and allowing the duo to access the damage. A few alarms blared loudly, Melissa already disengaging most of them with her watch, and soon a few security bots rushed over to protect them both. Izuku ignored the machines for a bit, more worried about making a transfer than dealing with a few mid-sized machines.

Melissa waved him off.

"That was my fault for not taking in consideration your strength, Izuku! Don't worry about it, although I would recommend letting me deal with this. Father will be coming over soon to check what happened, and I prefer to explain it by myself."

He tried to argue her point, but the American was having none of it. She shooed him from the lab and send him packing his way back to the hotel, Izuku a bit ashamed to have been run off by the girl.

Now he laid here on his bed, unsure what to do. It was somewhat late in the night, but I-Island seemed to not register that, the hustle and bustle of the man-made island seemingly more present in the late hours of the night than during the day. It made him want to explore, his guilt being the only thing holding him back.

[Locking ourselves away is foolish, master. Exploration will be a much better endeavor to pass time than wallowing in self-pity.]

[If we can't drink some fresh blood, then we might as well just explore the place up. Genius-mate is busy, but the others might not be! A visit upon them sounds delectable right about now]

His head was filled with the chatter of the [Inner Beast], the humming of his blood enticing him to do more than just lay on his bed uselessly. Izuku grunted, neither denying or agreeing with his quirk. Should he go out? It wasn't like it would help Melissa if he were to stay locked up, and the older Shield had yet to show himself up to greet Izuku, so the vampire figured he might as well waste some more time until the next morning. It wasn't like he needed much sleep after all.

Deciding on agreeing with his baser instincts for now, Izuku took a quick shower and threw on some casual clothing. Mei's presents would arrive in the afternoon of the following day, so Izuku had no need to stay in his room. Ten minutes had the vampire out of his room and leaving his keys in the hotel reception, the attendants being different ones, a shift in turn.

The vampire casually left the hotel and sat on the close by fountain, typing a message to check on the classmates that he knew were in the island. Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Jirou; Bakugou was here too, but the vampire wasn't exactly chummy pals with the ash-blonde, preferring to leave the bomber to whatever it was that he was doing.

The vampire first sent a check-up message to see if they were busy; as he waited for their answers, he checked the night life in I-Island, the advertisement changing to match the time and offers. Just because the place was a marvel of technological advancement, it didn't mean that people were unfeeling robots. Once or twice Izuku managed to spot adds inviting people for more…adult activities, be it booze or otherwise. The vampire opted to avoid looking at the ads, Mei's last stunt stirring some feelings that he wished to remain locked-up for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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