Chapter 26: [Should I Embrace This Nature?] The Doubts of a Vampire [XXX]

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After all the exams for class 1-A were done the students were allowed to return home for the day. Izuku had somehow managed to convince Yaoyorozu to return his resolver, the rich girl being surprisingly good at negotiations; the vampire returned home in time for dinner, his mother helping him to his room and allowing him to skip the meal and simply rest.

Mei had come by to check up on him and get a few power-up cuddles, but since Izuku was out of energy to even kiss her she left him alone. Fighting against All Might tended to sap you off any effort you could ever had. On the other hand the mechanic girl managed to get a promise out of him to get him to buy her some power tools in his trip to I-Island the incoming weekend.

At this point Izuku figured that either he was a bad negotiator or his mind was working slowly to compensate for all the high-speed thinking that had to be done for the match. In any way, the pink haired mechanic had gotten her promise out of him, going so far as to record his voice so as to probably bribe him into anything else she would want later. Not that she really needed to do so, as he would gift her anything she desired, but Mei was crafty like that.

It was his luck that UA would grant the students of the hero course a one-week vacation before the planned activity for the class, Aizawa saying something about a summer camp that Izuku registered in the corner of his mind - as again he had been busy trying to plan out for his fight against All Might. Speaking of the Symbol of Peace, Izuku figured that he should apologize to his teacher; the vampire had – after all – tagged the blonde on an old wound that had to have damaged the hero a bit and while it was training, not everyone could heal like Izuku.

The hemomancer figured that a blood pill should work well as an apology gift. It wouldn't heal a wound that old and advanced that easily, but it should provide the man with some relief and extend his timer for a few hours. Izuku's regeneration was good for himself, but passing it to others was a challenge that the vampire was yet not willing to fully take head on. It wasn't like his gift to Kyouka; treating something like the damage All Might had would take many resources from the hero's body, and Izuku was quite sure that All Might did not have those to spare if his true skeletal figure was anything to go by.

And here I am again, going miles per hour when I should be resting, Izuku mused in his head, his frame over his bed almost like he was a discarded ragdoll. He certainly was feeling like one.

The vampire groaned as he shifted and tried to take on a more comfortable position other than just lying flat face down on his mattress. He managed to get into his side, his uniform wrinkling as he shifted to a better position only to find Mei staring at him from the door, half leaning almost as if to flee if he detected her. He blinked, licking his fangs to figure out the situation.

"Hmm, Mei?" He murmured, making the girl flinch in her place.

Mei entered the dark room again, taking tentative steps towards his bed almost as if afraid of his reactions.

Now that got him raising one of his brows. "What's wrong?"

Hatsume gingerly sat on the corner of his bed, some of her body heat reaching Izuku and making the vampire take a deep breath to inhale more of her scent. She smelled mostly of peach soap, but there was still an after smell of motor oil that never truly left the motor head girl. He was sore (a very foreign sensation for a regenerator like him), but made an effort to move his arms to wrap around Mei's waist and bring her closer to him. He might be lacking in energy to do more, but Mei made him find strength.

She began petting his green mop of hair, soothing him with her touch. He took another deep breath to fill his lungs with her scent. Some lust began to stir up, even while languidness and soreness took a hold of his limbs, but Izuku tried to clamp the [Inner Beast] down.

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