Chapter 24: [Preparations are Always a Must]

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Izuku stood at attention, his shadow burrito containing Monoma right beside the vampire. He watched along with his other classmates the ensuing battles that happened. Nothing so far went about as his own personal match, the following fights being rather tame and simple as the students preferred to prioritize the search part of the exercise instead of any combat.

It didn't take long for the person inside his shadow prison to stir awake, struggling to exit the shadowy embrace of the cocoon Izuku had created for the teen to recover. The vampire slowly unwound the shadow matter, allowing the blonde teen to slowly slide out of protective bubble of shadow mass.

As Monoma slid out of the cocoon and fell on the ground, the blonde dragged himself away far from Izuku, almost in a hurried panic to flee from the vampire's presence. The green-haired teen raised a brow at the young teen, seeing from his position Kendo hurriedly going to check on the blonde together with her classmates.

The hemomancer watched from a distance as the big sister from 1-B worried over the blonde teen, checking over him to see if any injuries remained on him. Much like Izuku had said to Aizawa and Vlad King, the copy-cat quirk would take care of any of Monoma's injuries, although it sapped much of the teen's energy and stamina.

Much better than him draining someone from his class, but the vampire shrugged. The vampire also quietly allowed the shadow mass to return to him, his sensitive nose capturing the scent of blood inside the shadow cocoon. Izuku allowed it to be absorbed through his shadows, connecting it with his own blood.

Considering he kept close to his initial team for the exercise, Uraraka and Kyoka were close to him and thus saw when his eyes glimmered with hidden power, some blood being granted to him while hidden from the view of the rest of all the teens.

The punk rocker kept her guard up, her jacks ready to intervene and help the green-haired vampire. Uraraka also spread her stance, ready to show off her new skills.

As things stood, the vampire merely sighed in frustration, the small drops of blood acquired from Monoma not enough to even quench his [thirst] due to the recent usage of quirk factors. It granted him a new quirk factor to unlock, so Izuku couldn't just complain about the recent development.

He also noticed the girls stand ready in case he did something wrong, which earlier could have happened. He smirked a bit, seeing the duo ready to throw down with their styles, sparking some interest in his mind, but Izuku contained himself.

"I promise a kiss to each if you don't throw me around like a ragdoll." In the end, the vampire couldn't contain his own humor and joked about with the girls. The reactions were just as he expected.

Uraraka immediately burst into a blushing mess, her mouth shut to avoid releasing an embarrassing noise. All the while Jirou groaned as loud as she could, her fighting stance crumbling away as she smacked away Izuku on the shoulder. Only for the girl to once more hug her hand close to her body, nursing it from pain as had once more smacked a hardened plate of armor.

"Urghhhh, I swear one of these days I'll get you!" Kyoka murmured, nursing her hand as her ear jacks pointed at the vampire like hissing snakes.

The vampire smirked, amused at the antics. He approached the rocker girl, seeing her jacks get into striking position, yet the action did nothing to dissuade him of his approach. He offered the girl his open hand, motioning for the rocker to place her hurting hand over his.

"What's this now? Were you serious about the kissing thing?" Jirou asked in a hurry, making Izuku stare at her with a deadpan face, still extending his hand to her.

The girl was a bit reluctant, but in the end followed through and placed her pained hand over Izuku's. He slowly grabbed her hand, running his thumb over Jirou's open palm and focusing on the blood running inside his own limb.

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