Chapter 4

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"...Uhh, finally done!" A teenager exclaimed, stretching his arms backwards and emitting satisfying popping sounds from both his back and shoulders. Izuku had been taking his time to study for the upcomming U.A exams, and as such he could not neglect the fact that U.A didn't just focus on physical aspects, but also in academics too.

The last three months until the exam he had dialed back his "night strolls", since he managed to get a much better grasp on his abilities. The [Thirst] was still the same, the little voice at the edge of his mind reminding Izuku that he was far from perfect. Much too far.

Yet, the pale boy continued his path.

He also had eased his training routine. Since his encounter with Hatsume Mei all those months ago, he had not had a full moment he could call his own. The tech-geek girl was incessant in her efforts to have him help her with her inventions, or better said, her babies. Izuku swore that he could never get used to the girl's errantic behavior. After he had helped her in their first encounter, she had hacked into his phone and had added her own info contact, including her bloody address.

Day in and day out of his training, Izuku had been forced to help the girl carry ludicrous amounts of trash from the beach to her workshop, about 10 miles away from the littered part of the beach. It had been greater workout routine than anything he had planned so far, so he did not blame the girl or had any true malice towards her.

Besides, it helped that she talked so much, as her voice could distract him from his own thoughts. Bonus points that she was always covered in sweat and grease, which did not trigger [Hunter Instincts] and didn't make him wish to jump at her neck each five minutes.

Make no mistake; Mei was attractive in her own right, with her frantic behavior and...well...she was more developed than the majority of the girls he had seen in his school. Coupled with her lack of respect for personal space and it made for some unusual moments. Lucky for him, motor oil was truly difficult to get off the skin, thus he only needed to focus on that when the pink haired girl got too close for comfort.

He sighed. His habit of letting too many ideas swim in his head had gotten him thinking about nonsense again. As puberty came, so did the increase in his hormones and instincts. Add his [Quirk]'s less than stellar ability in [Hunter Instincts] and you could end with a troublesome combination of testosterone and adrenaline.


Talk about the devil and he shall appear! Izuku joked inside his head, grabbing his phone and opening the text he had been sent. Another request from Mei, this time asking for him to grab some random trinket she had forgotten by the junkyard of the beach. Izuku sighed, but complied and sent a confirmation to the girl. She had been his first friend in a while, and the fact that she did not mind his weird appearance or why he steamed if exposed for too long into the sun. [Day Walker] could cover up when Izuku was dressed up, but most of his exercises required him to shed the maximun amount of clothing possible so that he could push his abilities even further.

He picked a hoodie from his wardrobe and left him room. His mother was in the living room, watching some rom-com that he had no interest in in.

"Hey mom, I need to pick something for my friend. I'll be back soon." He said, already by the door and putting in his red sneakers.

"Isn't it quite late Izu? How about you pick that up tomorrow?" Inko worriedly asked, her gaze shifting to his frame.

The vampire waved off the concerns of him mother, giving her his best smile. His fangs gleamed and his gaze was more of a predator than a caring son, but his mother knew him enough to know what he truly meant. The woman kept her eyes locked into his frame for a few seconds before she exhaled tiredly, giving him her sweet smile. One that would not sent children running away.

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