Chapter 14

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Hello There!

Would you fellows enjoy another chapter of Blood God?

I hope so, as this one as a bit harder to write, since I want to deviate from cannon school festival, but some activities just feel right for it. Besides, those events aren't what will display most of the Characters, that will be due in the combat matches. I just needed to get this one out, otherwise my creativity would dry as I wold be stuck trying to make this "overly unique".

We are reaching a few important points in the story, as Izuku has began displaying more and more of his recently acquired abilities, which will begin to raise some issues, but that is future talk!


Chapter 14: [Displaying the Fangs of a Predator II]

The slight layer of frost that covered his right side did little to deter his movements, the youngest Todoroki immediately sprinting from his position at the front of the corridor to put distance between himself and the competitors behind him. Shoto was determined to win the school festival only using his ice power, since he hated his dreaded left side. The flames were a curse and nothing else, which was why he was furious when Midoriya began spouting his spiel. The vampire knew nothing of his struggles, of the abuse his mother suffered, the pains that he went through as a kid.

The vampire had no right to talk as he did, of that Shoto was sure.

The dual-colored teen would be sure to win the events his way, nullifying any glory that could be associated to the use of Endeavor's odious fire. His mother's ice was enough to win this competition, considering all the time he had trained with it. He was precise with his ice, creating just enough to trap the surrounding competitors, freezing their ground and assuring himself a good head start. Or so he thought, but people from his class managed to read his move, much to his surprise.

Plenty of his classmates – and many from their sister class 1-B – evaded having their feet frozen, everyone using their unique ways to advance against his icy setback. The rules of the event stated that direct harmful intent was prohibited, but getting in the way of the competition was fair enough, as long as nobody got seriously hurt. You couldn't hope that hero-hopefuls did not get a bit physical, especially teens.

Shoto, however, did not let his surprise get in his way. He continued his sprint, his physical condition among the top of his class. He did find weird that Izuku was not close by, but that only did prove his point about beating the vampire at this. A good few meters after the starting line that bottled many into a mess, Shoto found his first true "obstacle". One of the teachers (Present Mic) was shouting excitedly to the crowd of spectators about the might of the Zero-pointers that were used in the entrance exams, only this time there were a bunch of them together instead of the one-per-zone deal. Nothing that would hinder him; after all, Shoto had a point to prove.

"Since the school went this far, I expected them to provide something more challenging." The teen murmured to himself, tapping into the cold power that housed in his right side. Frost and ice began to build up, a cold wind suddenly following the movement of his right hand as he lazily swiped at the 20-meter tall robots. "Since my shitty old man is here, this is the least they could do." He said, uncaring eyes glancing at his work.

The folk behind him began gawking at him, surprised voices and unbelieving shouts from both competitors and spectators as they marveled at such simple action. Shoto once more resumed his sprint, going under one of the metallic menaces. He heard some students talk about following behind him, so he gave out an alert.

"I would not do that if I were you, since they are so tilted." True to his words, the robots half-covered in ice were tilting, their inclination indicating that they could and would fall down at any moment. Like spell, his warning was soon a reality as gravity did its work and began dropping down the behemoths of metal. He paid one last glance backwards, wondering if anyone would be crazy enough to dive under the falling metal. Todoroki's eyes widened as Izuku and Tokoyami seemed to almost spawn at the location, making their way without hindrances as they used their quirks to batter aside the falling fragments of ice and metal as if they were inconveniences.

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