Chapter 16: [Showing the World the True Ancestor's power]

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1,343Chapter 16


Anyone likes pancakes?

Chapter 16: [Showing the World the True Ancestor's power]

Having captured the vine haired girl's eyesight, Izuku had ample influence over her mind as his crimson pupils shone with their eldritch light directly inside the girl's mind. Almost like writing a book, Izuku began implanting an idea inside her mind. The idea quickly sprouted inside Shiozaki's mind, the girl not being able to take her eyes from the vampire's hypnotic gaze.

Losing is fine. You can't beat me, surrender is the best outcome.

[Mesmerize] gained more grounds the longer Izuku could keep eyesight, and since he was currently holding the girl to keep their vision even, Shiozaki felt as if she was receiving a deep, mind probe.

The vampire's deep and strong voice echoed in her head, her desire for competition waning as her grasp over her motions began to slip away, her eyelids becoming heavy as something akin to an orchestra began loudly playing in her mind. The corners of her sight began to be dyed in red, the only thing occupying her mind right now being the image of the vampire's face and his tender hold of her body. A part of her mind was screaming that he was a foul fiend, trying to paint his colors over her purity; a demon that should be purged and exorcised in the name of the Lord. That part had lost her attention a long time ago, Izuku's gentle hold being the only thing that she could feel this moment.

Competition? Sports Festival? Her classmates shouting?

Minor matters that she could deal with later. Right now her Sovereign was demanding something from her, and as a good sheep she would follow the words of her shepherd.

"Would you kindly lose?"

Yes, my liege! The girl didn't need to speak. She was sure her thoughts would reach him regardless of words. Her body couldn't move fast enough for Ibara to exit the arena grounds, concrete being replaced by grass as she stepped away from the platform with a serene smile on her lips and a most pleased expression on her face.

And then the spell was broken and Shiozaki was faced with the reality of her actions.

Crimson eyes stared at her from the concrete platform, the girl staring back with a furious scowl.

"DEVIL!" Her hair vines, so peaceful before, now resembled an amalgamation of hissing snakes, the sight oddly enough making the audience think of the mythological Medusa. How dare he seduce her with honeyed words and embarrass her in front of all these people! Toying with her mind and free will as if playing some sort of Machiavellian dark god! She had expected a fair match from the vampire, but he'd done anything but play fair; She could barely contain her fury at being shamed like this, having her mind penetrated and tinkered almost as if she was a side project.

Then, the devil turned around and began making his way back to the breakrooms. She would give him a piece of her mind for sure, of that Ibara was certain! She just needed to recompose herself. Her breathing was laborious due to her fury, nothing else.



Izuku returned to his breakroom, taking deep breathes along the way. His mouth was watering at the thought of having allowed easy prey to escape his grasp. The vampire made full use of his [Mesmerize], his opponent being at his mercy. Shiozaki's neck was truly alluring and inviting, but the vampire managed to hold himself back and proceed with giving her a simple command. Sure, it wasn't the most action-packed fight, but not everything had to be about smacking faces and taking names. There was a time for everything; Izuku always made sure he could be ready for whatever the situation called for, be it a speedy assault, a stealth mission or a smack down.

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