Chapter 6 - What do I do?

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A/N: Happy Sunday everyone! The holidays are almost here. How are all of you doing? Stay safe and until my next update!




Too hot. 

Wanna taste.

Shut up, Jin Ah, that's your Boss! 

Yoon Jin Ah shook her head to clear it of her wayward thoughts. Why was she thinking these things about her eternally late supervisor who did not know how to use an iron?! Still, what business did he have looking this good?!

Figuring out these notions had to wait, though, because Yoo Jin Woo looked up, saw her and waved to her. As soon as she was within earshot, he smiled and pointed to his hair, "They have a beauty shop. The lady offered to style my hair for our date."

Jin Ah narrowed her eyes at him. "This is not a date."

Yoo Jin Woo rolled his eyes. "Fine. Anyway, what do you want to have?"

Jin Ah eyed his glass. "What are you having?"

"Scotch on the rocks," he replied, making her nose crinkle. "Not your type, I guess?"

"No. I'll have a cosmopolitan for starters," Jin Ah told the bartender. Turning to Jin Woo, she asked, "So, are you feeling better?"

Jin Woo nodded. "Much better. I had a talk with someone who strangely made me feel... like I'm going to get through this."

"Wow. Deep conversations, huh?"

"Actually, no... but it was exactly what I needed," he said, vaguely. 

"Good. Then, we should just call it a night," Jin Ah teased. 

"YAH!" Jin Woo complained. "Let's use this time to talk."

"About the contracts?"

Jin Woo rolled his eyes. "No. We've been working together for a few months now and you're still mighty peeved with me. Shouldn't we try to see if we could get along?"

Jin Ah narrowed her eyes, suspiciously.

"Come on. Think of it as team building," Jin Woo said in jest, making Jin Ah laugh. When she agreed, he asked, "Go. Ask away."

Thinking seriously about her first question, she decided to go with the only one that was on her mind at that moment. "Why are you so averse to ironing your clothes?"

Jin Woo threw his head back and laughed. "That's the first thing you go with?"

"It truly mystifies me. Do you know own anything that is not wrinkled?" Jin Ah asked. 

"My clothes are ironed! Believe it or not, my closet is neat. But when I'm exhausted, I fall asleep in the clothes I'm in between meetings so... here you go. Handsome me in messy clothes," Yoo Jin Woo explained. 

"Who says you're handsome?!" she asked, attempting to protest.

"Me. And my mother. Don't deny it. I saw your draw drop when you saw me as you walked in the bar," Jin Woo said, challenging her.

"I, uh, well... I saw the bartender. He's cute," Jin Ah said. 

"Sure," Jin Woo said, taking a sip of his beverage. "Okay, my turn." Deciding to go with safe topics so as not to offend her, he asked, "Why did you move to J One?"

Jin Ah smiled. "You offered me a huge compensation package, have you forgotten?"

"Is that your only motivation?"

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