Chap 10 again- A Night of Firsts (2)

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A/N: I'm making this part the same title as Chapter 10 as I initially intended to put in Hye-won and Kang Gook's night in the same chapter but it became too long already so I've split it.



Shim Hye-won ran into Kang Gook's arms when he arrived at her shop to pick her up for their date.

Hugging her tightly, Kang Gook held her and said in return, "I've missed you, Baby! How are you feeling? Everything okay?"

"Yes," she assured. "I've just missed you so badly."

"I thought of you everyday. I hope my constant messages when I was free weren't so troubling?" Kang Gook asked.

"No, I loved them," she confessed. "But having you here is better." After sharing a smile, she added, "Now, take me on a date before I change my mind about you."

Their date was "simple" by modern standards. They went to a movie that Hye-won had wanted to see because it was adapted from a book she liked. Then, they went to a restaurant that Kang Gook liked for dinner.

"Finally! I'm your date to this restaurant," he said. "Do you know how irritated I was when you once accepted a date with a man to this place?"

Hye-won's eyes widened. "I knew it! You kept denying and saying it's because I gave you leftover food that poisoned you but I knew you were jealous that day!"

"I know," he admitted. "I realized then I was being a jerk. I've been supportive of your dates after that, in case you hadn't noticed."

Shim Hye-won smiled and reached for his hand. "I know. Thank you. But I'm glad that it all ends with us."

Kang Gook gazed at her beautiful face and was reminded once again of how lucky he was. "I'm so glad you fell desperately in love with me."

"Why you!" Hye-won said, pinching his hand. Suddenly, she dipped her head and asked shyly, "Is... is this love, Gookie? Are we sure? I'm sorry... I don't know many things yet. Please give me time. You know that you're my first boyfriend."

Pulling his seat closer to hers, he took her hand again and held it. "Don't be sorry. Take your time in figuring it out." Playing with her hair, he asked, "What do you want to do now? Should I take you home?"

"Hey! I didn't see you for days and you're ditching me after a few hours?" Hye-won asked.

"Haha!" Kang Gook laughed. "I was just giving you an excuse in case you were already tired of gazing into my handsome face."

They decided to take a walk in the park. Hand-in-hand, they continued to talk about the things that went on when they were apart.

"Jin Ah Unnie's Boss is nice but clashes with Jin Ah. She won't admit it but I think she had a giant crush on the CEO," Hye-won said, giggling. There were other things that she will not share to Kang Gook because that was a secret between sisters (i.e. that Jin Ah might be having wild sex at that very moment with a stranger), but she was glad she could share with Kang Gook things about Jin Ah without having to explain their whole history because he was already part of it.

"And do you think the CEO likes her, too?" he asked.

"I don't know," Hye-won said. "I mean, who wouldn't. Jin Ah is the prettiest woman I know. If he can get past her snarky comments, he would surely like being with her because she has a really big heart."

"But you said he's twice-divorced, do you think he would be a good match to Jin Ah Noona?" Kang Gook pondered.

"I hope so," Hye-won said. "Well, I won't force it. It is Jin Ah's decision. I just think they look cute."

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