Chapter 25 - The Negotiation

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A/N: Hi! So sorry for the delay as I've had a lot of errands for the long weekend here. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Yoon Jin Ah wasn't sure what it was.

Maybe it was being with a partner who she found insanely hot and whom she trusted with her whole life. Maybe it was her pregnancy hormones. Maybe it was finally finding the one person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

Whatever it was, she was in constant need for intimacy with Yoo Jin Woo.

He was gone all day yesterday because he had to fly to Japan for a business deal and because of flight delays, he returned midday and they hadn't had time to be together. She used every opportunity to peek out her office's or meeting rooms glass walls and her face would fall when she didn't see him among the people milling about.

"I miss you!" Jin Ah complained to him over the phone the night before. "What's the point of being engaged when you can't have sex when you want?!"

Jin Woo chuckled. "Poor Jagi! Deprived of making love for about 20 hours now. Didn't you seduce me into bed just before I left for my flight?"

"Hmmmm..." Jin Ah moaned thinking of their time that morning. It was quick and hot but it left her wanting more. "We just did it once," she pouted.

Jin Woo smiled. "I'll make it up to you when I get back."

Jin Ah promised herself that she could wait and reminded herself that she was not a horny teenager experiencing this the first time. However, when Jin Woo walked in the office while she was still in a meeting, looking like he had just stepped out of a photoshoot, desire hit her big time.

 However, when Jin Woo walked in the office while she was still in a meeting, looking like he had just stepped out of a photoshoot, desire hit her big time

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Yoo Jin Woo was at the outer area but he was at Jin Ah's direct line of sight. He was speaking to one of their staff and unconsciously licking his lips, with his fingers rubbing over them. Jin Ah sighed shakily. She wanted those lips on her.

Luckily, most of the salient points had already been discussed and her zoning out won't be much of an issue, so she pulled out her phone and sent a message. "Why do you look so sexy? I need you NOW. Are you sure we can't do it in your office? Please? Please?"

Jin Woo looked to her direction upon reading her message. "No, Jin Ah. I am not risking you being exposed. Shouldn't you be focusing on your meeting?"

"Just buy this property and take me home," she replied quickly.

To her disappointment, he was soon distracted and was dragged to another meeting room and she couldn't see him anymore. Calling for the meeting to end, she rushed to his office then sent him a message, "Where are you?"

He walked in after a few seconds, worried. Dismissing his secretary, he cupped Jin Ah's face. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yes," Jin Ah assured. "But Jagiya, I really need you..."

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