Chapter 8: The cafeteria woman

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Chapter 8: The cafeteria woman  

"Hey guys this is Spera, Shauna, Mandy, Skyler, Grace and Laura." said Stella "Hi" they all said including Luke and Danny and I was a bit surprised to see Randy there to. "Girls these are Randy, Danny, Luke, Abby, Jake and Maria" said Stella, Stella grabbed Skyler by the hand and asked her if they could talk in private. I was so curious to know what they were talking about. Skyler and Stella returned back to the table and Danny offered Skyler to sit next to him. Skyler was between Danny and Luke, "Hey Sper' come sit next to me!" said Skyler and I ended up sitting next to Luke. Stella sat down next to a girl named Maria and offered the rest of my friends to sit next to them. The space was filled and Grace was standing up, "Hey Grace there is a space next to Randy, why don't you sit there". Grace sat next to Randy and they couldn't stop talking. It was time to go get the FOOD! No one got up, "Um... I think I'm gonna get some food" said Shauna "You really want to eat blended meat and potatoes?" asked Stella "Not really" said Shauna " Then stick with us until we tell you to" said Stella and Shauna sat down. Stella kept looking at a specific cafeteria lady until that lady winked at her (I was SO creeped out). All of the group got up and so did we, "Just follow our lead" whispered Stella to me and my friends. We walked towards the bar where the cafeteria ladies or towards the lady that winked at Stella. She handed us a red tray and gave us a bowl of what looked like fish fingers, a container of salad and a bowl with a brown colored substance in it including a bred straw. It looked disgusting, We sat down and Shauna said to Stella "So why did we have to wait to go get food this is the same food as the other kids have", "Shhh no it's not ok, the other kids have blended meat and potatoes in a bowl, we have chocolate milkshake, the other kids have fish fingers with not even good delicious fish, we have fries, the other kids have lettuce, we have a whole salad" answered Stella. Shauna looked at her food in surprise, "Do you have any other questions" said Stella. "Just one, Why did that woman give you all this" asked Shauna "Cause... she is my mum" said Stella. All of us ate in peace while the other kids nearly threw up! The bell rang and everyone moaned. I had art as my next lesson and I asked Stella if she knew were the art room was. "Um... I'm not sure I don't have art I never was really interested but Luke has art let me ask him" said Stella and I turned red!             

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