Chapter 16: A Call

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Chapter 16: A Call

We got out of our seats, grabbed our stuff and got out of the bus as the driver looked at us in disgust. The bus left and we stood there looking at the dirty streets of Anchors Revenue. It was kind of a rough street with low hygiene and not a single person was in sight. There were only a few house but mostly motels, old bars and hardware shops. Me and the others stood in front of the bus station, we didn't dare to sit on the bench of the station, it did not look so.... Hygienic. The bus was taking forever and time was passing fast and Skyler's point to go home was beginning to make sense by the minuet. It was now 8:30 and we were late on our second day, this will NOT look good on my student records. "Hey guys can't we just call someone to pick us up, this town is just scaring me" said Mandy, "Oh woman up Mandy don't be a baby" said Skyler. Mandy looked a bit mad "Are you serious? Maybe we can't all be tough and rough like you Skyler maybe some of us don't like to act tougher than an actual guy Skyler" said Mandy (I forgot to mention that Mandy and Skyler get offended a bit too easy), " What does that even mean Mandy? All I'm saying is you should stop acting like child and stop being scared of everything" said Skyler. "I AM A CHILD SKYLER!" shouted Mandy (btw I totally feel awkward in all of this), "I've noticed" said Skyler. "Maybe I don't want to miss school Skyler, unlike you who ditches school and you just leave in the middle of everything witch I'm so surprised you didn't leave us stranded by ourselves today" said Mandy "GUYS STOP IT!" I said interrupting. "I don't feel like giving a speech on how we need each other and stuff so cut it out your giving me a head ache!" I said, suddenly everyone was silent "good" I said satisfied. "Now let's call Laura, so they won't get worried and they can stall for us" I said, "What! So you're on HER side!" Said Skyler. "She had a point on calling the gang Sky and don't get offended on everything I'll say now "I said, "Wow you guys are such babies who obviously can't handle almost anything" said Skyler. Skyler was acting childish and unreasonable and it was getting on my nerves. "I'm sorry Sky but I don't care what you think about me actually I mean to say sorry I'm not sorry and were going to call and if you're not going to agree on anything we do you can find your own way back to Rosewood" I said. "Fine, only I'll be going home" said Skyler. We didn't speak to each other after I called the gang witch was so stupid cause I didn't know why we were fighting. On the opposite side of the street there was a vending machine with chocolate bars and candy, I was hungry (SO HUNGRY) so I went and crossed the street with Mandy. I put in a coin and presses the number 5 (a double wrapped chocolate caramel bar... XL), the machine didn't give me my bar so I was grumpy because I wanted it SO bad I started doing things to try and get it out and Mandy was helping me. We actually managed to get it! When we turned around Skyler wasn't there! We ran across the street and started to panic. Shortly later Mandy received a message.... It was from Skyler! "WHAT DOES IT SAY!" I said, After Mandy read it she angrily gave me her phone. The message said:

HEY BESTIES! I just wanted to let you know that I ACCUALLY took Ur advice and found my own way home. Don't worry about me I'm almost home and I'm not worried about U either btw. Just good luck on finding another bust to get to Rosewood, OH! I'm so sorry by the way for not calling you after the bus came, actually sorry... I'm not sorry. And U were right Mandy, I do kind of leave U stranded I mean at least now U have a point. Love you! Xxx


After I read it I was so disappointed in Skyler. I didn't think she would take it this far (see what I meant when I said they get offended easily). 5 seconds later I got a massage, from Skyler:

Oh and If you want someone to pick U up don't hesitate to call cause I know you can't do this by yourselves, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if you called right now and I won't say anything to anyone cause once you call I'll call Ur parents and they'll know themselves. Love you! Xxx


As much as I was mad at Skyler I kind of knew she had a point so I was going to call my parents, I still wouldn't call her after she sent that message. "What are you doing?" said Mandy as she snatched my phone out of my hand, "What are YOU doing? I was about to call my parents" I said. "I won't let you so that" said Mandy, "look Man our parents are going to find out somehow and as parents they deserve to know" I said. "You got a point Sper but we could do this and once we do we could tell them and they might think were responsible for doing this on our own, not to mention we'll prove Skyler wrong" said Mandy, Mandy had a point so we decided we would go to the bus department to check the next bus... only we didn't know where it was. "Maybe we should ask someone" said Mandy, we looked around and there was still no one in sight. "Or we could call someone for help" I said, "Didn't we just say that were going to this ourselves" said Mandy. "I meant someone who is not our parents or Skyler" I said, "But it's got to be someone who can drive" said Mandy. "Maybe not, we need someone who either can drive or knows about here and is a friend" I said, "I KNOW!" said Mandy as she took out her phone. "Who are you calling?" I asked, "Stella" said Mandy. "I think Daniel is better, I don't know if Stella would ditch school" I said but it was too late, Stella answered:

Stella: Hello?

Mandy: Hi Stella it's me Mandy

Stella: Oh hey Man, where are you guys I haven't seen you, Spera and Skyler all morning but I saw the others and they said you're running late.

Mandy: we are at....

Stella: Mandy? Where are you?

Mandy: NO!

Stella: Mandy?

Mandy: Leave us alone!

Stella: MANDY?

-------- the phone hung up.

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