Chapter 10: "The popular girl"

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Chapter 10: "The popular girl" 

I fell on the floor and Luke fell on me, we got up. It was Sheldon leaning against the edge of the lockers behind the door with his foot out. "Oops" he said to me and left, Luke was going after him but I told him "It's not even worth it". All of a sudden I see Mandy and Shauna frozen in the hallway looking at us. Suddenly Mandy went running and pushed Sheldon "Who do you think you are, afraid to pick on someone your own size so you pick on a girl" said Many screaming at him. "Who the heck are you telling ME what to do!" said Sheldon as he lifted his fist, From behind Mandy came Shauna. Shauna held his fist in the air, gave him a flirty gaze (which actually worked) and slapped him. They flipped their hair and sassy walked to us. Sheldon was red not only in anger but also in embarrassment, He gave us a disgusting look and left. I hugged them "I LOVE YOUUUU" I said to them "We know" they said chuckling. I looked at my wrist watch "I have to go to Spanish now so Bye see you after school!" I ran rushing to my next class. I went in the classroom and almost all the seats were taken, There was a table at the back and I was going to take it. As I pulled out my chair this girl pushed me, making me drop my bag. She was a brunette wearing a pink skin tight dress with a purse to match , white heals and white sunglasses on her forehead. "Move out of the way..." she said "Who are you anyway? One of the new kids?" She continued and sat on MY chair. Suddenly SHELDON comes entering the room. He takes the desk next to the girl that pushed me "Hey babe" he said to the girl and they kissed. I got up and sat on an empty seat next to a girl who looked familiar. She had dark bllack hair and green eyes. She had ALOT of black mascara, alot of eyeliner, lipgloss, a red velvet leather jacked, black shirt with a skull on it, black jeans and red velvet sneakers.  "Oh hi it's...SPERA, right?" the girl said to me. "Yhe it is" I said (Even though I had NO idea of who she was), "Oh sorry you probably don't remember me, I'm one of Stella's friends we met at the cafeteria, I'm Abby" she said. "OH YHE, I'm sorry I don't have such a good memory" I said "HAHAHA, yhe me neither I guess" she said. "Hey can I ask you something?" I asked "Sure" she replied, "Who is that girl in the pink tight dress at the back?" I asked curiously. "Oh, her name is Claire aka the most popular girl in school" Abby answered "And that's her boyfriend, Sheldon aka the bully AND the leader of the jocks" she continued "I'm surprised how Sheldon has a girlfriend" I said, "Yhe me too as to the amount of how much he cheats" Said Abby. "WAIT-What!?!" I said in hesitation.  

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