Chapter 12: "I like it"

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Chapter 12: "I like it" 

"But I have a question for you, Do you like him back ?" asked Skyler to Grace and Grace turned red. "That's not the point!" yelled Grace "OK OK sorry" said Skyler, "I'm sorry Skyler it's just....I do like him!" said Grace and everyone was acting all happy like except for Shauna. "OK so are you coming?" asked Shauna to Grace "Of coarse I am!" answered Grace. "YES" I shouted, "Now lets get home we've been standing here for ages" I said and we started walking. We continued walking and talking until we got to my house first cause it's the closest and as I was about to open the door Laura asked "Hey I never asked when are we going to the hangout?", "Um... He said it's going to be on Saturday" I said and they hesitated. "What's wrong?" I said " You realize today is Friday right?" said Mandy, "Oh yhe...wait so TOMORROW!" I said. "Yhe thanks captain obvious" said Mandy but I was not going to let the fact that it was tomorrow stop us "Ok so we will just have to go tomorrow" I said in a calm way and went in my house. As I entered the house my mum and dad came rushing down the stairs and asked "SO HOW WAS IT?", "Ok" I said. "Did you make any friends?" asked my mum, "Any enemies" asked my dad, "Both". "Did they..." but before my dad could finish I said "IT WAS FINE ok you don't have to worry ok and can I go out tomorrow night?" I asked, "Of-of coarse honey" my mum answered and rushed to my room with a "THANKS". I took a shower and changed, I texted Luke that me and my friends are coming. I waited for him to respond and heard my phone vibrate, he gave me the details and I texted my friends the details as well. I went on Facebook and started to talk to my friends, we decided that after tomorrow night they will sleep at my house. I ate dinner with my family and head to my room, I was picking out what to wear for tomorrow but I didn't have much. My mum let me go shopping in the afternoon with Skyler, Shauna and Laura but the others didn't want to come. I put on my pj's watched some t.v and slept. I woke up at 7:00 am cause I was too excited to sleep! I helped mum and dad with chores and I took a morning shower and put on some clothes. My Dad left for work, he is a fireman and my mum is a pre-school teacher. It was already 12:30 and I suddenly remembered that I had to meet Drake at Starbucks at 1! I texted Laura if she could come with me and she said yes, I grabbed my Spanish books in my bag and head off . "MUM, I forgot I have to meet Laura Skyler and Shauna before we go shopping so I'll be back at 4 BYE" I said and rushed outside to see Laura looking for me. "Hey I'm here" I said, "Good now lets go" said Laura. We rushed to the Starbucks, we were 20 minutes early so me and Laura bought a drink, grabbed a table and waited as we sipped our coffee and talked. As we talked about what we were going to wear tonight comes in Drake 10 minutes late. He came to our table "Ok let's get this over with" he said and sat next to me. He looked at Laura "Who is she?" he asked with a grin, "Oh... she is my friend Laura and SHE is going to stay with us till this is over" I said "Oh then hi Laura im Drake aka assistant or second  leader of the jocks" he continued.. They just stared at each other in a flirty way so I got out my notes and started. I asked, answered, did exercises and questions with him but half of him was paying attention as he just kept staring at Laura, but I have to say he did pretty well (Maybe I should get Laura more often!). It was eventually time to stop, "Your not so bad at this" I said to him "Yhe yhe thanks" he said in a rush and head off to talk to Laura. I saw him give her a piece of paper and we finally left Starbucks. As walked to our friend's houses I asked Laura "So what did he give you?" and she answered "What?". "The paper he gave you, what is it?" I asked Laura "Oh nothing it's just a stupid phone number" she answered, "What! he gave you his phone number" I said in hesitation. "So, it's no big deal you know just don't worry about it" said Laura to me, "Ok then" I said trying to ignore the situation. We finally got to Skyler's house and then when Skyler came out we went for Shauna next door since she lives next to Skyler. We head to the mall with PLENTY of time. We went to the first shop. Shauna hated it as it was a DRESS shop and Shauna has never worn a dress. I tried on this skin tight black dress with a V neck  and a pair of red heals. "That look will go perfectly with your red accessories" said Laura to me, Laura was forcing Shauna to try on a dress. They scratched, shouted, yelled until Laura got Shauna into the dressing room and dressed her her self. Laura came out with messy hair and a broken nail, me and Skyler looked at each other. Laura looked proud and satisfied and she had to because Shauna looked AWSOME! She came out in a flowy, mid-length, strapless red velvet dress and look very beautiful, "WOW" me and Skyler said with our chins down, "YOU LOOK B-E-AUTIFUL" said Laura to Shauna. "NO I DON'T" said Shauna "YES YOU DO" said Laura as she pulled her in front of a huge mirror. "I-I..." Shauna herself is speechless "I'm not that bad" said Shauna "Maybe I will wear this" she continued. We were all excited , Shauna's first dress! Wait till the others here about this. We tried on some more clothes and make up and went to McDonalds! As I ate my cheese burger in delight I look at the shop in front of us and in front of the shop opposite to us I see.....          

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