Chapter 1: Meeting the squad

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Chapter 1: Meeting the squad 

It was midnight, the last day of summer. Me and my friends were  having our last summer night sleepover before transferring to a new school or should I say before going back to HELL. This is a big deal for us since we were raised in an all girl school witch was very religious and very small for a school. Before I get; any further I should probably introduce myself and my squad. Hi, I'm Spera, I know... I know it's an unusual name but I like it it means Hope in Latin, it's a long story but you'll probably hear about it later! I have 5 best friends one of them is Laura, the girly girl. She is probably the most girly person you will meet but that's why I love her so much. She has mesmerizing light green eyes with a gorgeous figure and golden lush hair and I know what your thinking, just your average dumb blonde but actually she is very smart, it's just that she hides it. Another one of my freaky friends is Shauna who must probably be the exact opposite of Laura. Shauna is a total tomboy which some of us think that she is a guy trapped in a girls' body but she still has those girly instincts of crushes and wanting to share secrets. She has long and very wavy brown hair (which is the only thing that is basically girly and that she likes about her appearance), she has BEAUTIFUL royal blue eyes that just makes you melt and she has cute red chubby cheeks to match with her curvy chubby body. There is also Mandy who is basically a typical 15 year old emo girl she dresses like a year old emo girl but I think her heart held back for like 5 years cause I swear she looks like a 15 year old but she is soooo childish and very hyper at times like an 11 year old girl. She has curly short black hair(which she dyed and her real hair color is blonde), ok I know this is crazy but even the doctors said that her eyes are pure black which not a lot of people have and her favorite thing to do is eat. Another weird but cool girl is Skyler. She is a bad ass girl who likes to have fun, explode stuff and her favorite thing in the world is her dog Piper the great dane. She has flawless long brown hair and brown eyes  with a nice figure which she hates cause she says her chest is too big and her butt is too wide but we think she is perfect the way she is. Oh, I forgot to mention she is dark skined (she used to get bullied when she was little but always wins the fight cause she used to beat the crap out of anybody who did). As much as hard core Skyler sounds she is sweet, religious and she is also adopted. Another weirdo that we all love too much is Grace. Grace do I put this... A bit of a nerd. I think Grace probably read ever scary, romantic, action and 30 pound book in the world. She has hazelnut short curly hair. She is skinny but not too skinny, she has light blue eyes, rosy red cheeks and wears glasses. Last but not least in our group is ME!!! The funny, clumsy and corky girl or as my friends call me... the one with the great cheek bones. I have dark lush brown hair, brown eyes and (not that you care) I am skinny. So that is us, we maybe the oddest group of best friends but that what makes us original and not so boring after all. If we were all the same we would want the same things and that would lead to fights. Even tough we look different we have most things in common like how we all enjoy movies and FOOD and sharing our feelings and secrets we just see the world in a different way. Our differences remind us of who we really are and how great we can be. 

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