Chapter 18: A lie for a lie

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Chapter 18: A lie for a lie

I just kept starring at Skyler waiting for her to talk. Danny looked at me and then looked at Skyler and said "Did I miss something?" , Skyler replied "No not really". Everyone looked puzzled and I was not happy she said that and neither was Mandy. "Except for the fact that you left us stranded and alone but that's nothing" said Mandy with a sarcastic smile, everything was awkward at that point and Shauna broke the silence by saying "I have to go to the bathroom so..... Everyone come with me.... Except for Skyler, Mandy and reason". "But we're gu.... Never mind OK" said Danny, "I MENT girls in the girls' bathroom and you guys can go somewhere else" said Shauna. "Why" replied Danny stupidly "OMG.... Cause I said so" said Shauna, "Fine, we will go buy food" said Luke. As the rest of the group left in silence I stood there in front of Skyler with my arms crossed and a slide brow, Skyler stood in the same position. "WELL.....were not here for nothing come on apologize!" said Mandy breaking the silence, "FOR WHAT? FINDING MY ON WAY HOME? OR FOR YOU GUYS BEING SUCH......" shouted Skyler as the whole building was staring at us including Luke and Danny but before Skyler could make a TOTAL soap opera I jumped in and said "STOP! Guys look at you, at us, what the hell are we even fighting about anymore? We are all acting unreasonable....Skyler you should not get that offended and don't judge on other people's decisions ok after all...we were only trying to help, and Mandy i'm not only talking about Skyler about getting easily offended... so first just try to sort things in a calm matter before turning into The Hulk". They did not want to admit it but from the expression on their faces they knew I had a point. "After all guys were besties and I'm sure were not supposed to fight like that especially about stupid things" I continued. The rest of the group came back and asked if everything was ok, "Yhe" said Skyler, "of course" replied Mandy. After that Luke and Danny each handed us a bag of chips and we all decided to get out of McDonalds before people started clapping or security showed up! We all decided to go home and get some rest. Skyler's parents weren't home so since she lived next door she stayed a while at my house. I had no idea what I was gonna tell my parents so I tried to hide it. Me and Skyler took a 10 minute nap on my bed and then woke up and started talking and using our phones. My dad knocked on my door and came in. My dad works late hours and I don't see him very often cause of work. "Hi punkie! Hi Skyler, How was school today?" he asked, I was kind of nervous but then I just said "It was ok". "Is Madilon high better than your old school?" he asked, "Yhe I like it better" I answered, "That's good.....i have to go darling but I' to you later ok?" he said. "Ok dad" I said and he left the room. I was kind of upset that he had to leave but it was ok I mean he is making money for us to live on right so it'for my own good. Next thing you know my mum enters with a batch of cookies! "I made you guys a treat" she said, my mum looked at us and our phones and said "you know when I was your age" she said and I rolled my eyes "instead of laying in bed on our phones and eating w would be enjoying life outside" she continued. "Why don't you and Skyler go for a walk?" said my mum, my mum thinks I spend too much time on my phone and loves the outdoors, if she knew how much time spent outside today instead of inside the school on a chair she wouldn't let me outside for sure but I still didn't want to tell her I was afraid that she might not trust me again "sure mum. Why not?" I answered her. "Good, the fresh air will do you good" she said as she eft my room. Skyler didn't mind going, she is never tiered to go for a walk I guess. After enjoying our chocolate chip cookies (I can't stop thinking about them) me and Skyler decided to go to the park and talk a little bit there. As we entered the park we were going towards the benches when we see.....Laura! She was with a guy.....someone familiar...until my mind decided to function and I recognized that it was Drake! "Hey, that guy is in my gym class" said Skyler "Whats he doing with Laura?" she asked. We decided to spy on them. We hid in the bushes and stared at them as we felt like Sherlock Holmes and Watson. They didn't notice us as they couldn't take their eyes off each other. We saw Drake leaning in for a kiss and Laura was going for it! Until.....Skyler fell on her foot and they both saw us!  Laura did not seem happy and Drake just wanted to ignore us and focus on Laura. Laura got up slowly from the bench she was sitting on, crossed her arms and was slowly walking towards us.... she was not so excited to see us i guess, at least not in this way!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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