Chapter 6: Meeting in Person

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A sludge hand reached out to grab Izuku, who blocked himself with his arms in a protective manner. Ayano tackled Izuku to the ground to avoid the attack, causing both middle schoolers to fall to the ground with a thud.

The villain looked at the two as they got up. A wicked smile then spread across his face. "We got a fast, little meat-suit, don't we?" He said, looking towards Ayano. Suddenly, the villain's eyes went wide.

He felt as though something was holding him back. A rope of some kind? He looked down to see what it was. And in all honesty, what he saw suprised him a little bit. It wasn't a rope, but...a dark mass of some kind?

The villain followed the mass to see what was causing it, only to see another middle school boy. This boy looked a lot like the girl, however.

It was Ayato.

Ayato was holding the villain back with his quirk. Ayato's quirk was called 'Black Mass'. It gave him the ability to summon a black mass that sorta looked like fog. He could use it to suffocate people or he could alter it to be used as a physical weapon that does the same amount of damage.

As Ayato held the villain back, Izuku and Ayano scanned the area to find something they could use. Sludge was a type of liquid, so they needed something that could hold liquid. Ayano spotted something and elbowed Izuku, making him look at the object she found. It was a bottle.

Izuku looked back at the villain to focus on his movements, only to stop at his eyes. Maybe...

"Good thinking, Yan-chan." Izuku whispered to the black-haired girl. He reached forward and opened the bottle while Ayano took a knife out of her bag, aiming for the criminal's eyes as said criminal got loose from Ayato's quirk. Suddenly, all three were blown out of the way and hit the wall. Izuku grunted at the impact and looked up, only to gasp in shock. When the twins opened their eyes, they gasped as well.

"No way..." Izuku muttered. "Is that...?"


'NO BLOODY WAY!!!' The trio thought all at the same time.

Izuku was currently vibrating on the spot as he watched his idol shove what was left of the criminal into the bottle that Izuku had picked up. "Thanks a lot kids!" All Might thanked. Izuku beamed at that and had trouble asking for an autograph, so the twins had to ask for him.

"Well of course! Here you go, young..." Quickly reading the name on the front cover of the journal, he repeated his sentence. "Here you go, young Midoriya!" He scribbled on the next available page and carefully gave it back to Izuku. "Apologies for getting caught up in my villain hunt! Mistakes like that aren't my style but...this is a strange land to me. And besides, I'm off camera!"

"Guys oh my God look at him he looks so different in person!" Izuku whispered. He was clearly excited to meet his idol for the very first time, and the twins couldn't blame him.

All the meanwhile, All Might continued to talk. "But my success here is all thanks to you three! I have contained the villain!"

"He's thanking us oh my god All Might is thanking us guys asdfghjjkl..."

Ayano couldn't help but let out a little huff of laughter as Izuku continued to freak out in front of All Might. "Stop drooling Izuku..." Ayato muttered but his friend continued to freak the fuck out over his idol in the flesh!

"Now I must bring this fellow to the authorities! You can catch me again on TV!"

The trio watched in confusion as he squatted down and shoved the bottle of villain sludge in his side pockets. "What...wait, you're leaving already?" Izuku asked, letting out a string of confused sounds after that.

"A hero battles not only villains but time as well." All Might tensed up as if he was about to jump and Izuku panicked. Grabbing the twins with one hand and onto All Might's trouser leg with the other, he held on tightly as All Might sprang up and he was flying. 'I still need to ask you something!'

"IZUKU WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD ARE YOU DOING??!!!" Ayano yelled when she realized what was happening, making All Might look down towards his leg, where Izuku was holding on tightly while the twins were clinging onto Izuku.

"HEY NOW! LET GO OF ME! I APPRECIATE MY FANS, BUT THIS IS TOO MUCH!!" All Might yelled as he tried to push off all three middle schoolers at the same time, which only made them hold on tighter.

"All Might, if we let go, we'll die!" Ayato yelled as he climbed his way to All Might's other leg. He didn't want to cling to the side of Izuku's hipbone the entire time.

Izuku pushed his head into All Might's side and held on tightly, while Ayato was clinging to his other leg. As for Ayano, she was clinging to Izuku's back. All Might grabbed onto the three, but held onto them just as tight, making sure they don't fall to their deaths.

"Good point." All Might muttered. All that went through Izuku's head was: 'He was going to let us fall to death?!'

"Not as smart as I pegged him to be." Ayato muttered to himself. Ayano sighed at her twin's comment, but perked up when she heard All Might let a cough out. She opened her mouth to ask if he was alright, but shut it instantly when she breathed in a faint but unmistakable scent.


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