Chapter 7: The Truth Comes Out

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'Where am I?'

The small-time criminal looked around quizzically before his memories caught up with him. That's right... All Might was here and the villain was currently in a bottle.

'Damn! That bastard! If not for him, I could’ve…'

His thoughts stopped short when he was violently kicked to the side. Hitting something that felt like a wall, the bottle cap popped off and he was free. He was about to high tail it out of there when he heard a passing conversation.

"Haven’t you known them since you guys were kids?"

"Yeah I think you went a little too far today. Is no one going to mention that look she gave us though? Thought she was gonna kill us." Mutant fingers reached forward to grab a smoke when Blasty McGee growled.

"Yeah well it was Deku's fault for messing with me! Seeing him full of dreams just like when we were kids really pissed me off!" He crushed the can in his hands before exploding it and chucking it at the other two lackeys. "I thought I told you to stop smoking! Get caught and it’ll go on my record too!"

The lackeys flinched, but as mutant fingers pointed behind him, he knew it wasn’t because of his power and words. As Bakugou stood still, he heard the rushing of liquid behind him and a voice before he suddenly couldn’t breathe.

"A body with a good quirk... perfect."
'Scary...' Izuku thought to myself as the twins helped him up. All three of them took a glance at All Might, who had his back towards them and by the looks of it, he wasn’t happy. "Of all the…hopefully the people downstairs will help us get down. I’ve no time though. Truly!"

Izuku flinched but started talking anyway, "Wait! Um…"

"No I will not wait!" All Might sounded mad. No...

He sounded scared.

Izuku surged forward and asked the question he’d hope to ask any other hero. "Even without a quirk…can I still become a hero? Can someone without a heroic quirk…become a hero like you?" Izuku asked, making All Might stop in his tracks. The trio waited but All Might trailed off. Ayato decided to explain. "Izuku's a normal kid without any powers, while my sister and I have quirks that could lead to a massacre if we're not careful." He said. "Izuku's been picked on his entire life, while me and Ayano have been keeping our powers at minimum strength our entire lives."

Ayato nervously played with his arrowhead bracelet, which was a habit he's always had since he was little. He continued to play with it until he stopped and continued to explain. "But the way you save people with a smile, that's what my friend Izuku wants and-"

Ayato stopped short at the sight in front of him. It looked like All Might, but he was all shrivelled up and skinny and gaunt and-

"Smells like blood and rotting death." Ayano muttered to herself, holding her nose as she tried not to gag. The boys sighed at her honest yet rude remark. "Ok. Dude. What the hell just happened to you?" Ayato asked as Izuku checked up on Ayano. "Ok." All Might started as he wiped blood from his mouth. "You know how people suck in their gut at the pool and try to look buff? I'm like that…"

"You're pulling my leg right now." Ayato deadpanned. All Might shook his head 'no' as Izuku and Ayano made their way back from the nearest trash can. Ayano had a little vomiting issue to take care of.

All Might took a closer look at the girl. He didn't realize it earlier, but now that he was looking more closely, she looked a lot like a young girl he used to know back when he was around her age...

"All Might...?" Izuku asked, which seemed to snap All Might out of this thoughts. "Oh! Sorry kid." All Might apologized. "Just thinking..." He said as he looked to the side. The girl looked so much like her, so he sat down and decided to explained what happened to him. "Five years ago…an enemy did this to me." All Might sighed as he lifted up his shirt. He took a glance at the middle schoolers only to find the greenette shrink back in horror and the two ravenettes stare in horror, Ayano trying not to puke again. "My respiratory system was nearly destroyed, and my stomach was removed. I’ve wasted away because of the after effect of those surgeries. I can only work as a hero for about three hours a day now."

"This was never made public. That is, I asked that it not be made public." The greenette boy nodded in consideration and made a gesture as if to say, 'Does it hurt?'

"A symbol of peace who saves people with a smile…must never be daunted by evil." The boy made a face as if to say, 'That’s not what I asked.'

"The reason I smile is to save off the overwhelming pressure and fear I feel. A pro should be always ready to risk their lives."

Then Izuku gestured to himself and his friends. All Might sighed and hoped that the kids didn’t think too lowly of him after what he was about to say.

"Without power, which is what you yourself is aiming for, right?" All Might asked as he looked towards Izuku. "To never use it?" Izuku nodded and seemed to hold in his breath. "Without power, can one become a hero? No, I think not."

Even if the greenette tried not to show it, he looked defeated and broken. He let out something akin to a whimper and sighed before nodding slowly. He took a glance at his friends before letting out a sob and turned away, which led to Ayato pulling him into a comforting hug.

"If you and your friends desire to help people, becoming police officers is always an option." All Might suggested, making Ayano cringe slightly. If she hated anything the most, it was cops. Mostly because of what her mother calls them.

"Those villain custody officers are always mocked but that too, is admirable work." All Might offered as he got up towards the door and opened it. He looked over his shoulder with guilt but continued. "It’s not wrong to dream, but…you kids need to be realistic." All Might shut the door with a sigh and left it unlocked for them.

All Might shook his head and stayed focused on the task at hand. Time to get this guy to the authorities. He reached for the bottle...only to find nothing there. He froze, before quickly checking both pockets, hoping to find it.

A loud 'BOOM' caught his attention and he winced. Oh no...

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