Chapter 15: Costume Change?

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In the morning we have normal classes, like English! At lunchtime we eat top-notch food for dirt cheap in the cafeteria. And then we have afternoon classes like basic hero training!

"I have…!" Everyone in the classroom sat up in excitement when they heard his voice. "…come through the door like a normal person!"

"That wasn’t really normal, per se." Ayano whispered to the two boys beside her.

"True." Izuku whispered back as Ayato nodded. He and the twins glanced at All Might as he kind of skipped through the door instead of, you know, walking through like any other person in the world would. As everyone started whispering about how 'different he looks up close', Ayano hesitantly took a small glance at the silver knife in her slightly open backpack. It shone slightly due to the lighting, but there were small, copper-like stains on the small blade. It caused Ayano's eyes to go dark as she went back.


Shinso, Iida, Uraraka, and Katsuki all went their separate ways to get home, leaving the trio to walk together alone. As Ayano, Izuku, and Ayato were heading to the bus station, they ran into a bit of 'trouble'. It wasn't anything too major, just some small-time petty thief who held a knife to them with shaky hands.

The thief started a fight with the twins. The attacks the thief threw were amateur and easy to dodge, giving the twins an easy victory. However, as the trio walked away, the thief grabbed Izuku from his jacket and yanked him back.

The thief wrapped one arm around Izuku's body in an attempt to bind him while the thief's free hand held the blade to Izuku's throat. The thief threatened to kill him if they didn't hand over their bags. Izuku's eyes started to dialate with fear as he looked at the twins, begging them to help him without saying a word.

Ayano saw red, to say the least.

-End of flashback-

"Hero basic training!" All Might yelled, snapping Ayano out of her thoughts. "The class that’ll put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes! No time to dally! Today’s activity is this: Battle training!"



"And for that you’ll need these!" All Might pressed a button, the wall next to the desks pushed out and revealed cases with numbers on them. Izuku lent away from the wall suspiciously and whispered to the twins. "Did you guys know there was a compartment there or…?"

"Yeah, uh, did you?" The twins asked in sync.

"Totally, just wondering if you knew."

"In accordance with the 'quirk registry' and special request forms you filled out before being admitted, you get-"


Everyone was practically vibrating in their seats as All Might told them to get changed and meet him on one of the testing grounds. As his classmates mingled with each other and grabbed cases, Izuku wondered what type of battle training they were going to do.

"Since it is a battle there will only be a few options right?" Izuku asked as Ayato grabbed his case. "Yeah, battle against one another or battle with each other against something." Ayato responded as he helped his sister grab her case.

"Deku!" Katsuki grabbed Izuku by the back of the uniform and lifted him up from out of his chair so that he was on his tip toes. He honestly looked like a cat, being held up by the scruff of his neck while being yelled at by his owner. Of course, this earned a small giggle from a certain pair of twins.

Izuku turned his attention towards Katsuki to see that he was holding both of their cases under his arm. "Hurry up, stupid Deku! We’re training!"

"Ah," Izuku squeaked when he was dropped back into his chair. "Sorry Kacchan!"
'I think I’m gay?'

This was the realization that struck Izuku in the heart when he walked in to see shirtless boys in the locker room. It wasn’t as bad as it was before when they were doing the trials on the first day, since they couldn’t find the locker rooms and changed in the bathrooms. But now...

'Oh no. I am very gay.'

Izuku quickly adverted his eyes and went to his own corner in the room. After taking off his blazer, shirt and pants, he pulled on the black mesh tights he had ordered. Normally when he trains with the twins, he wears flexible material but it's tight enough so it doesn't catch on anything. Next, he quickly put on his green jumpsuit that ended at his elbows and knees. He had similar goggles to Eraserhead, but with heat signature and vital readings programmed into the lenses. A utility belt was wrapped around his waist and he clipped on a knife and gun holsters to his thighs. The last things in the case were elbow and knee pads, climbing boots and fingerless gloves.

"Look at you, Mr. I'm-so-ready-for-this!" Ayato exclaimed as he approached Izuku. Ayato was wearing a gray suit with a hooded cloak and a black and red waistband. He wore shoulder pads and fingerless gloves that reached to his elbows and black boots that went up to his calves.

 He wore shoulder pads and fingerless gloves that reached to his elbows and black boots that went up to his calves

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"Would you believe me if I said I'm not?" Izuku asked, only to receive a signature Ayato shrug.

"Midoriya? Ayato?" Shinso called out, gaining the attention of the people of interest. "Are you guys okay? Nearly everyone else has left and-" Shinso's brain short-circuited when he saw Izuku. 'Is he wearing tights?! Are those knife holsters?!'

The greenette jumped at his sudden arrival, but gave him a smile. "Shinso! You look awesome!"

While Izuku was fanning over Shinso's costume, saying it was really similar to Eraserheads', Shinso himself was having a crisis. 'Oh hot damn-'

"Shinso? Did you need something?" Izuku asked due to Shinso having this look on his face, which itself was red. It was like he wanted to say something, but couldn't get the words out. "You okay there, Shinso?" Ayato asked. "You look a little hot and bothered." He teased as a smug smile spread across his face.

The comment startled Shinso out of his own brain garbage and he let out a cough. "Yeah, uh, my voice changer. Can you-"

"Oh! You have a support item?! Let me see!" Izuku pushed his way past Shinso and into the main part of the locker room to see his case, with Ayato close behind.

"I'm gonna go on ahead and see if I can find my sister." Ayato told the oblivious lovebirds. "Meet up with us when you're done, m'kay?"

"Alright Ayato!" Izuku replied as he squatted down to look at the safety measures and instructions of the support item, which nearly made Shinso pass out right then and there.

Ayato let out a small snicker at Shinso's face as he closed the door to the locker room and made his way to the field, doing his best to not laugh his head off at the interaction the greenette and purplette had.

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