Chapter 9: A Sleepover

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The number one hero All Might! Age, unknown! Quirk, also unknown! Ever since he appeared on the hero scene, his strength has won him undisputed popularity. Every year that he's been active has seen a marked decrease in the appearance rate of villains. His existence alone is a deterrent to villainy. He's a man that lives up to his name as the "Symbol of Peace"!

"I believe you, kid, are worthy of inheriting my power!" All Might yelled.


"I'm sorry, but could you repeat that?" Ayano asked, not sure if she heard right. Izuku looked at All Might in confusion. "Huh?" He must of gotten the point across because All Might threw his head back and laughed.

"What's that face for?! It's a proposal!! The real work begins here. Listen, my boy..." All Might explained as Izuku and the twins stared at him, as if they were waiting for a prank to end.

"I'm asking you..." All Might pointed at Izuku while puking up blood. "If you want to try accepting my power!"

"Guys, group huddle." Ayato demanded as the three huddled up, leaving All Might to wait. "His power?" Izuku asked. "Is All Might messed up in the head or something? Going loopy because of blood loss?" Ayano asked, making Ayato shrug his shoulders.

"This concerns my quirk, kids." All Might clarified from behind them.

"I...have no idea what he's talking about." Izuku deadpanned. "I think he's trying to explain, but it's not going very well." Ayato said, Ayano nodding along with him. "Alright then." Ayato exclaimed. "Meeting dismissed." The trio disassembled and went back to All Might. "Alright, All Might." Ayano said. "Spill."

"The tabloids like to guess that it's 'super strength' or 'boost power'." All Might explained. "I avoid the question in interviews by making jokes." Izuku nodded in understanding, but still had no idea where this was going. "Because All Might, the 'Symbol of Peace' has to come off as a natural born hero."

"Okay, fair, but I'm pretty sure everyone thinks that." Ayano whispered to her brother mockingly. "What is he gonna say? That his quirk was passed down to him?"

"But my quirk was passed down to me. Like the Olympic torch."

"...You know what? I'm gonna shut up and listen."

"Passed down to you? Really?" Izuku asked in astonishment.

"Yes and now it may be your turn so-" All Might went to explain but Izuku cut him off by flopping onto the floor and started to theorize.

"H-Hold on a second! To be sure, All Might's quirk is one of the seven great mysteries of the world, and there have been endless debates over what it may be. There isn't a day that goes by without some new theory on the internet. he says it was passed down to him. Naturally I have no idea what that means...but more than that, that's not even a theory someone's even proposed before. And that's mostly because we still know so little about what quirks really are in the first place. I mean we use the term 'quirk' to begin with because each power or characteristic is so very particular to a single person-" His voice was cut short of the mumbling word garbage when All Might laughed.

"You really doubt me that much?! Nonsense!"

Izuku started to reply only for All Might to cut him off again.

"I have many secrets but I never lie!" All Might waved him off. "I have the ability to transfer power, that's the quirk I inherited. It is called...ONE FOR ALL! The first person cultivates the power and then passes it on to another. The next refines it and passes it on again. Those crying out to be saved and those with brave and true hearts link to form a crystalline network of power!"

"But all this, why...why me?" It was a scary question that Izuku had to ask.

"I've been searching for a successor for a while now and I believe you are worthy. You may be an admirer with a pair of scary twins for friends, but back there, you and those friends were more heroic than anyone else! But, of course, this choice depends on you! So, what do you say?"

The trio got back into a group huddle to talk. "He's told us so much!" Ayano exclaimed. "He's divulged his secrets to me!" Izuku yelled quietly with excitement. "Do you really have a reason not to accept?" Ayato asked. "Not at all!" Izuku exclaimed with a smile. "Alright then." Ayato exclaimed. "Meeting dismissed." The trio disassembled and went back to All Might.

"Yes, I accept." Izuku said with a smile. All Might grinned.

"A quick answer. I expected nothing less."
Bakugou walked to the apartment complex Izuku lived in. He had his head down the entire time, though. He continued to think about what happened earlier. The villain attack, how Izuku and the twins saved him, why they invited him to Izuku's place. It just didn't make sense to him.

He approached the door that led to Izuku's apartment. He hadn't been here since he was a kid. He took a deep breath, and knocked. Ayato opened the door and his eyes widened. "GUYS HE'S HERE!" He yelled to two other people inside. "THEN LET HIM IN, DUMBASS!" Ayano yelled back. Ayato stepped aside as he opened the door more, allowing Bakugou to step inside.

Bakugou looked around the apartment. Not a lot changed. The furniture was the same, some pictures were in the same place, etc. The only thing that was different was the small shrine in the corner of the living room. It was small, had chrysanthemums, and a picture of Inko. Bakugou's eyes widened. Was his Auntie...?

"She's not dead, Kacchan." Bakugou turned around to see Izuku, leaning on the wall, and Ayano. "She went overseas with Yan-chan's parents for a job of some sort. They're all the way in America." Bakugou breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God." He sighed. "You had me going there for a second."

"Well, since everyone's here..." Ayano started. "LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!"

It was quite the party indeed. There was music, dancing, Truth or Dare, etc. Bakugou couldn't believe it, but he was actually having fun with these three. There was even a quiet moment where all four of them helped Izuku finish his notes on Mt. Lady.

Later that night...

The trio, along with Bakugou, were watching a horror movie called 'Psycho'. And to be honest, even Bakugou was a little scared. To be fair, he did trick Ayano into eating spicy ramen. So, according to her, this was payback.

The shower scene came up and everyone jumped when the actress screamed and showed her corpse. "You watch this kind of stuff for fun?!" Bakugou yelled at the twins so he could be heard over the TV. "Yeah!" The twins said in unison as Izuku clinged onto Ayano for comfort.

By the time the movie was over, all four had fallen asleep. Izuku and Ayano were on the couch while Bakugou and Ayato camped on the floor.

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