Chapter16/You Are My Guardian Angel

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(Erens POV)

I was in my titan form right now. I saw the bastered who killed all those people when I was young. My anger boiled in my blood releasing steam out my mouth when I opened it and closed. I saw Jean and Mikasa on their horses, they stopped and looked at me. Mikasa's eyes were filled with annoyance and anger, Jeans were filled with disappointment but was wearing a smirk.

I have to control myself meaning my anger so I can really be able to have my revenge on all these monsters starting with him. I looked at the Armored Titan who was in a fighting position with a grin.

'Why are you smiling you son of bitch! After all the death you caused you have the audacity to smile! Well I'll wipe it right of your face right now!!'

I yelled and charged at him, pushing him back towards the trees but he was to strong to lift or attack. He was incredibly strong so it was too hard to actually inflict damage. He then grabbed my arm and threw me in the air towards the forest. I got up and ran towards him but he looked as if a mountain running at me at full speed.

I moved out the way he was running and when he was  close enough I swung my arm in his direction of his face causing damage but it took away my whole arm from my body. I yelled and crached at him from behind, kicked his back so he fell and started to stomp on his body. I then saw Jean flying towards me with his gear. He landed on a tree branch with Mikasa behind and they watched.

I knew they were there ready to save me in case I need any help. So I turned to the titan in front if me and started to rip hid leg off using every bit of strength I have to rip it away from his hardened body. Hu E screeched but I pushed him down using my foot and finally ripped his leg off. I then started to hit him with his dissolving leg until it finally dissolved.

(Third POV)

As Eren fought the Armored Titan the regiment started to notice things missing that shouldn't.

"Hey has anyone seen Erwin?"

"Yeah or Levi, they haven't been seen lately"

"Well that's strange, so who's comanding the regiment then?"

"I guess Hanji since she's very close to Erwin"

"That can't he good"

"But besides that, where could the two men be anyways?"

"Their probably setting up a trap for the Armored Titan like they did last time with the Female Titan"

"Do you think it will work"

"Not if Eren can't control himself any longer, like that time in Sothess where he went crazy and almost killed are evidence"

".....Do you think Eren has something yo do with them being hone, I mean the last time I saw Levi he was with Eren"

"The last time I saw Erwin he was with Jean"

"Do you think they have something to do with them?"

"I don't know but for now let's just hope those two are okay"

Gossip about Erwin and Levi ran through the regiment. People became frightened at the thought of them dead. Tho suspicion about Eren and Jean also ran about them having something to do with the twos disappearance.

(Jeans POV)

The Armored Titan grabbed onto a tree with his arms and lifted himself up, then back kicked Eren into some trees. He got up and ran at him with his one good arm and kicked his face repeatedly.

I felt a arm touch my shoulder and saw the most perfect face in the world. Marcos.

'Marco' I said in my head.

'Hi Jean'

'How are you here?'

'Since I'm an angel I can communicate with humans as a gost or sprit and only be visible to the person I want to see'

'So how are you and Eren.........I also herd about Erwin and Levi'

'Oh yeah.....look I did it to protect Eren so you can go tell God or whatever that-'

'No its fine, they both went.....down and God was fine with it since it was an act of love not hate'

'Well...I won't be there soon, but wait for me okay'

'Okay and Jean.....kick that rough dirty ass!'

'You got it!'

'That's my horse'

He started to dissolve and disappear before I could say anything else I said it.

"Are you my guardian Angel?" I said out loud.

"Yes"he said and disappeared completely.

"Ugh Jean?"Mikasa said next to me and I ignored her.

I turned around anf flew off on my gear towards Eren. I stuck my anchor in his back and flew towards his nape. I couldn't let him get hurt because of this and I need him now, not in his form, but in my arms safe and not in harms way.

"EEEEERRRRRREEEEENNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!"I yelled and took out my blades. I slashed his napeand saw his body with steam coming off. I cut out his figure and grabbed him.

His titan form fell and dissolved. He was in my arms again and safe. I flew back towards Mikasa and set Eren down on the large branch.

"Why did you remove him from his form?!" Mikasa yelled.

"Because I'm going to take the risk of him getting hurt or going berserk"I siad.

"But he was fine, he almost won against the Armored Titan, and got his revenge"she said.

"He lost his arm"I said and wrapped some gauze around his head and hand.

'Its okay Eren I'm here now, you won't ever get hurt again and I swaer with all my heart I will protect you forever from everyone and everything.........I am your guardian Angel '.

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