Chapter20/The Fight For Eren

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(Levis POV)

"Don't worry my little shitty dog, soon you'll be with your master again, and this time you won't run away because I will permitly mark you mine in this world!!" I said while sharpening my sword.

It was blood red with a black handle it made sparks fly as it was sharpened against the wheel.

"Yes my sweet sword, you will be the thing that gets to kill Jean Kristen the horse who took my Eren away from me!!! But we will have to hold back for now since....we still need to get there"I said and looked at my refection in its beautiful cleanliness.

I lifted it up to my mouth and licked the sharp side of its blade. Blood Ame out of my mouth and dripped on to my sword.

"Fuck yes"I mumbled.

"Levi?"I herd someone say through my office door. I groaned in annoyance to probably have eyebrows come in and to have sex with me again.

"What is it!"I yelled to mad to get the door.

"May I come in please"he said.

"Yeah, yeah" I said whiping the blood of the sword and cleaning my mouth with a rag.

"I just wanted to say......are you sure about this?"he asked ad I sighed.

"Yes, Erwin remember once I get Eren you can get that Armin boy.....but isn't he dead?"I asked.

"No, I herd he killed Kristen's friend so he went back to Earth."he said and licked his lips, I saw a bit of drool leave his lips but he licked it back up.

"Anyways, when do we do this?"he asked.

"Right.... Now"I said and started to laugh demonical as well as Erwin joined in.

(Jeans POV)

Eren still hasn't become conscious and the Earth started to shake, I thought this was end and we were all going to die, no one would help us, not Eren ,not the legion and maybe not even god him self, oh no I'm gonna die without children, oh fuck!!.

The ground stared to rumble more and then titans lost their balance and fell but tried to  hold on too the building but ended up ripping away the side of the home leaving us venerable.

"Mikasa?"I said


"I just want you to know that....your a great friend"I said smiling as another rumbled happened knocking down a part of the house.

"You too and...its nice to know you and Eren are friends now"she said smiling back.

"So want now?"I asked looking up at the crumbling roof.

"I guess its are time to go...together"she said and held my hand.

"Together.."I said and gripped her hand. We were silent as the shakes and rmbles of the ground grew louder and bigger. We thought it was an earthquake happened.

The floor bursted open, throwing derby everywhere causing the walls to fall apart and finally the roof fell. I saw my life flash before my eyes before the roof stopped in mid air and was thrown over the house, I was confused as well as Mikasa. Then the back wall colasped with a piece landing on Mikasa making her unconscious again. There was a lot of some until it cleared and shown a strange figure with bat wings and horns. Once every thing was finally clear the figure turned over and shown.........Levi.

He had black bat wings, with black horns, he wore armor pallets on his shoulders with spikes and armor around his sides, wity rather boots and no shirt. We had a evil smirk and his signature death glare. I couldn't decide which was more frighting, the titans or Levi........Levi.

He walked towards us wearing an evil smirk and his signature death glare, since Eren was still in my hands I held him closer and tighter, afraid that he was coming for him yet angry he was at the same time. Once he was in front of me I almosted cried from fear and trembled at the same time but was able to keep my cool.

"You know Jean, I'm kinda tired of having to kidnap Eren and having to kick your ass but now I'm going to permanently make him mine forever so then no one will ever take him.........meaning I'll have to kill you first, now give him to me!"he said.

I held him closer, I swor to him that I will protect him forever and ever. I won't let him be token from me again, I won't let him be raped and hurt by this horrible man. He is my lover and I will do what I can to protect him....this is my love.......Are secret love.

"If you want to take him back to hell with you, you'll have to kill me over and over again, cause even as I'm bleeding death, I'll protect from you"I said.....I still wish I hadn't since he moved Eren from my grasped and lifted me up by my shirt, he seemed even stronger than before........way stronger.....oh crap.

"Die"he said and punched my cheek rapidly with so much strength and force it already turned a dark color of blue.

He threw me across the floor and to the other side of the building. He ran up to me and kicked my chest so hard I coughed up blood, he then life's me only using his leg and threw me back across the floor. He started to punch me in the face causing my nose to break, get a black eye, and blood to fly everywhere.

"Ahhhh graaaaaa!!!!"I screamed in pain as he life's me by neck.

"Hehehe, and you said you would protect him, well he doesn't seem to be protected not by you, not by his sister ,not by anyone because he's worthless and the only reason I want him now and before is for sex. Did you really think I loved him, I only wanted his body since I couldn't get anything else. Now I get to have him forever."he said and threw me across the floor towards him.

I coughed up some blood and trued to stand but even if I did he would knock me down again. But I had to, for my love ibyave to fight him back.

I stood up and striped not to fall over as I charged at him with a punch ready but he just stood there and once I was close to him he jumped up and flew into the sky. Crap I forgot he had wings. When he came down he punched me then headed up again.

'How the hell am I supposed to kill this bastered if he can fly........maybe I can rope him down'.

I like looked around and saw a rope, I ran to it and graped it. I tied a long sharp window blade to it and spun the rope around in the air.

"Come down here, and fight me!!!!"I yelled and threw the blade at him. Hiring his back I pulled him down and he face planted into the ground. I then threw him side to side using the rope as an advantage to kill him.

"That's it!"he said and boke the rope, smashing into the ground. I ran to him and kicked his face sender him back a bit.

"This is for Eren you basterd!"I said and stomped on his chest repeatedly.

"How dare you say such things of my Eren, I love him and he loves me, so stop ruining are love and leave us alone you evil mons-"he cut me off by pointing a sword at neck. I gulped.

"Shut up, you horse" he said kicked my legs causing me to fall back.

He got up and stepped on my chest. I groaned in pain as I was literally destroyed with everything that happened an snow this.

"Poor horse, you should've tooken my offer and let Eren ho, it would've been less painfull you know. But now you must die"he said and raised his sword.

"No, stop!!"someone yelled. I looked over and saw that it was Eren, he was with.......Erwin.....he had a blade pointed at his neck.

' me please'

(Jean x Eren)A Secret LoveWhere stories live. Discover now