- 20* -

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A/N : 1520 words that I did not spell check. * means smut.

When Hailee first met Y/N, she didn't know what to make of Her.

She seemed always so distant and alone, at least she tried to be.
But the more she saw her, the more she understood her, Y/N was a genius, she loved literature and she disliked social events, she liked to be alone and she liked silence, but she also loved music, and whenever Hailee played something, she would stop and just get lost in every word the you get woman sang and every note she played.

When Amelia died and people realized that Y/N was back in town, all types of rumors started to spread, and most people talked about how cruel, selfish and mean Y/N was, how she was a freak that hated people.

And yet, Y/N had always seemed kind and caring with me and Katerina. However Hailee started to notice that the more time she spent with Y/N the fewer people would tease her and talk about her.

It was almost as if they were scared of what Y/N would do if she heard them gossiping about her.

Hailee started to grow curious as to why people respected her so much, and one night, she sneaked into the town bar and she asked the owner of the place, who also happen to be her ex boyfriend about any tales on Y/N Kinsale, apparently years ago, when she was still a teenager, Y/N had almost beaten a french man to death for making a sexual comment on Mrs.Johansson, who was Y/N best friend at the time, from that moment on, everyone kept away from joking or teasing anyone that Y/N seemed to care for.

That seems a bit drastic but the more Hailee got to know Y/N the more she understood why the woman was the way she was, Apparently Y/N had had a hard life growing up, moving from one place to another after her parents abandoned her, her Godparents took her in up till the moment Y/N sexuality went public and they had to send her away to keep her safe from the extremist in town.

Her Godfather died a few months later and she didn't have the chance to say goodbye to him.
Y/N had experienced loss, abandonment and countless other types of hurt that she was not yet ready to share with Hailee.

She also learned that people seemed to treat her better when they found out that she had money, and that made her hate her wealth, she hated the fact that people would just act nice because of her inheritance and family name, so, as she grew up, Y/N always acted like she was poorer than she truly was.

And that taught her how to distinguish true friends from fake ones, She worked hard and she owned her own money even if she didn't have to, and when she did have money, she would just give it to people that had nothing.

Y/N was a woman of honor, and that scared Hailee, because even if she was a nice person and her feelings for Y/N were genuine, she often found herself thinking if she was truly in love with Y/n or if unknowingly she was acting like the better version of herself just to catch
Y/n attention.

Y/N seemed to be an old fashion woman, she would act properly with Hailee, never touch her or kiss her lustfully, so when Hailee told her about the idea of consuming the relationship before marriage she kind of thought Y/N would tell her off.

Make no mistake, Y/N wasn't a virgin, neither was Hailee for that matter, but as Hailee worried that perhaps she was overstepping Y/N boundaries, Y/N was thinking that perhaps, she was making Hailee uncomfortable by being so careful with everything.

Once alone, Y/N and Hailee went up the stairs to where the bedrooms were and Y/N lead her soon-to-be fiancee to her bedroom, the place described Y/N perfectly.

It was dark, but cozy, perfectly organized.
There were two large bookcases filled with books, on her desk, by the window there were tons of papers, and pencils. And a candelabra for whenever Y/N would write at night.

Hailee looked around the room and stopped when she saw the bed,
It was thick and cozy and dressed in a black converter with matching pillowcases and fluffy grey blankets underneath.
She went over to the bed and touched the covers gently before she sat down on it and looked at Y/N almost expecting.

The older woman, closed the door and locked it before she sat next to Hailee on the bed, Hailee smiled and leaned forward, lips pressing against lips.

Y/N didn't hesitate to respond, she started to kiss Hailee gently, there was no rush in their movements, Hailee slowly but surely started to lay on the bed, and Y/N just kept touching her and kissing as if she could break at any moment.

both of them had, had intercourse with other people, but this time it felt different, it wasn't just sex to them, it felt like something more.

Y/N pulled away from Hailee and looked into her eyes " are you certain you want to do this?"

Hailee nodded " yes, I want you to have me, I want you to make love to me, and I want to make love to you, I want to share my body, mind and soul with You... Forever..."

They started to kiss each other and soon enough, Y/N started to undo Hailee's clothes, as she began to kiss down her neck and chest. Hailee moaned softly, so much so, that Y/N almost didn't hear her.

Y/N pulled away and started to undo her own clothes as Hailee watched from the bed, lust taking over both of them, Hailee finished taking her clothes off too, and waited for Y/N to join her on the bed.
"Are you sure?" Y/N asked once more and Hailee nodded

"Yes, I want this "

Y/N didn't waste any time and kissed her firmly, hands trailing over her body, mapping but never lingering for long, teasing Hailee,

fingertips featherlight on the bare flesh of her stomach and chest causing goosebumps to rise, and for Hailee to gasp, Y/N ducked down and sucked a nipple through the material, a hand coming up to pinch and massage the other one.

Y/N them moved south and once she was in between Hailee's legs she left sweet small kisses along her thighs and pelvic bone.
"Please do not tease me"

Y/N nodded and without hesitation she began to lick and suck on her beloved center, making Hailee immediately reach for her hair as she began to moan.

Y/N smiled to herself and ran her fingers against Hailee's inner lips before she gently pushed her digits inside of her.

Hailee's hips began to move in synch with Y/N movements and Y/N stopped eating her out when she felt Hailee tighten up against her.

She looked at her loved and without stopping the movement of her fingers she kissed her.

"you are so fucking gorgeous, I will become addicted to your body love" she said as she started to stroke her fingers harder and deeper inside Hailee, who put her arms around Y/N and started to scratch her back with her nails.

" That's it princess, let yourself go, I got you"
Y/N whispered as she felt Hailee body tighten, preparing for release "come for me my love"

Hailee's body shuddered and shock, along with a high-pitched whine leaving her throat as her body tensed, nails scratching down Y/n's back as her orgasm washed over her.

Once she had calmed down, and her body had relaxed, Y/N pulled out and kissed her tenderly.
Hailee looked at her and smiled tiredly

" Give me a moment and I will be able to do to you what you did to me"
Y/N shook her head and laid on the bed, pulling the woman closer to her and covering them up with a blanket.
" It's alright my love, we will have the rest of our lives to do that again, this moment was about you, and now you need to take a small nap before your brother and Scarlett kids come back"

Hailee cuddled up to Y/N and she let out a deep breath " how is it possible for me to love you after knowing you for such a short period?"

" I do not know, all I know, is that I love you too, more than I have ever loved anyone" Y/N said, unaware that behind the door of her bedroom, Elizabeth was standing, ready to apologize and to beg for her forgiveness, but it was now painfully clear, that Y/N belonged to Hailee and Hailee alone.

Courtly Love ( Elizabeth Olsen /Reader/Hailee Steinfeld )Where stories live. Discover now