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As I'm  bowled on a battlefield,
my eyes dart around from  time to time. 
As I stand on education's field,
all bells rise and singingly chime.
Holding onto my smooth shaved shield,
chants erupts from clapping cymbols.
Parents, guests, everywhere filled.
Dancing voices blow love symbols.

Sipping their  eagerly  anticipating stares,
they put their trust in my purse.
And for that, this is what I say;

School is a daily battle
Exams is a cruel hustle
Parents born us into school  royalty
we are sushed to perform oversized learning  duty
what if I lose?
The disgrace, their faces; I can't face
I can't be, I can't be
a royal heir
Thought of it
makes me a little more higher
To be a royal heir of  school,
I'd prefer to take over the  title  "fool"

The world look up to me.
My fears I wish they could see.
It pains me to fail them at the battlefield,
as my goals are unfulfilled.

Mum's inner soldiers might be killed.
Dad's spirits will be crushed.
How do I save them all?
When I can't even safe myself?
So I'm running away from this fight,
not as your regular hero
but your zero hero.

How do I save them all?When I can't even safe myself?So I'm running away from this fight,not as your regular herobut your zero hero

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