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Before me, stands a familiar cell.
Twisting the door knob,
hands sweat drops of rain.
Taking steps inside,
legs begin to wobble.
Just a slight peek,
eyes swallow back waterfalls,
threatening to spill.
Urge to blurt out a word,
lips quiver as only moans walks out.

Fighting to pull myself back together,
my body spins as echoes of screams jam like thunderstorms, in my head.
This is heared, through speakers of my own eardrums.
Ahh! The frantic pounding is too loud.
It just clads me into a persona of a wild beast.

Jumping in bed, I feel a penetrating gaze of the wall.
Waving, is a picture of you.
I take my eyes off, understanding you are everywhere.
Always in my head, you are inscribed.

Seeking comfort from the cloudy pillow as it cuddles me,
I can't dodge the chasing thoughts of you anymore; so I unblock.
Consume my cramped head, even if it's tiring.
Closing the space between the door and I,
All I know is, I hate all of me when I'm in this cage, which bears me no escape; rather trapped in my own beloved room.

Closing the space between the door and I, All I know is, I hate all of me when I'm in this cage, which bears me no escape; rather trapped in my own beloved room

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