Hideout For The Loner

90 14 43

Time is due,
for something new.
To the day, I'm an oblivion.
At night, I blend in like a chameleon.
And hide from the judging world,
to the world I confide and have no guide;
where my mind won't be yelled.

Time is due.
My time is due.
Heart break season,
I can feel my heart breaking.
I know the reason.
I can feel my heart's water breaking.
My heart is in labour.
Out of sight, is my blind neighbour.
With a protruding amiotic heart sac,
where do I hide in this dark?

Time is due.
My time is few.
Running, I stumble on an
abondonned world.
"It's humble" I mumble and blurt no word.
Bursting, is my amniotic heart sac.
Heart's water breaks, taking me aback.
Delivered is my ocean of muffled miseries.
Followed by placenta of emotions
while on I'm my knees.

Time is due,
for something new.
At a quick pace,
I escaped home.
To find a place,
my feelings freely roam.
A sweeter place, doctors
ain't needed for one to be safe.
A safer place, I heal,
not to be dead, but a cave;
which is now visible
but on my plain soul, invisible.
Where ugly life stitched heart breaks are visible ;
is the narrow road of poetry,
which becomes a...
Hideout for the loner


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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