First Kiss -Jily-

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James Potter was walking down the hall, smiling, thinking about how Evans finally said yes to a date.

Lily Evans was standing in her dorm room, looking at her outfit. Today was the date with Potter. She would lying if she said she wasn't excited.

James entered the common room just as Lily walked down the stairs. His breath caught in his throat as he looked at her. 'My god, she's so beautiful.' James cleared his throat and walked forward, smiling. "You look lovely." He smiled, holding out his arm.

Lily blushed an took his arm, looping it with her own. "You don't look so bad yourself." She giggled as the pair walked toward Hogsmeade.

It was safe to say that the date was a success. Lily was shown the true side of James. Not the prankster, arrogant side, but the gentleman, caring side.

"Thank you James, today was great." Lily smiled, standing on the step leading to the girls dorm. "It was nothing. Maybe we can go out again?" He asked, nervously. Lily smiled and leaned forward, gently kissing him on the lips. "I'm holding you to that. Goodnight James." James stood and watched as she entered her room before jumping around, cheering and smiling like a mad man.

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