My mate

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Remus Lupin lay on the floor of the Shrieking Shack, screaming in pain. It was the night of the full moon. It was quite for a few minutes until Remus screamed again. Suddenly, the door busted open, revealing James Potter and Sirius Black. The two idiots, Remus often called them, had followed the young werewolf, wondering where he went every month. "James.... Siri... No." Was all Remus managed to mutter before turning into a monster.

James jumped back and stayed against the wall as he came face to face with the werewolf. Sirius Black, being as he was, took a bold step forward. "Sirius. Don't. That's not Remus." James pleaded, trying to capture the wolf's gaze as it locked onto Sirius. "James. I'll be fine. What's life without a little risk?" He grinned and turned back to find said werewolf about a foot from him.

"Remus... Hey buddy, it's me. It's Siri." He smiled and watched in amazement as Remus suddenly when from a growling ball of fur to tame puppy dog. "Holy shit." James said, walking to Sirius. As he reached him, Remus started growling again. "James, get out of here. I'll be fine." Sirius shoved him out the door and then laid down on the bed in the room.

Remus then proceeded to jump on top of him and curl into a ball. "You know, you're not as scary as you think. You should see my mother." Sirius chuckled, falling asleep with his hand on Remus' head. A single thought running through Remus' head over and over again before falling asleep as well.

My mate. I found my mate. My mate.

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