Vows -George Weasley X Reader-

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It was George and your's wedding. The women crying tears of happiness, the Weasley brothers hiding their tears, Fred full out bawling, sad that his twin will be leaving him, and various others. Dumbledore was officiating the wedding and soon, it was time for your vows.

George's P.O.V

I took a deep breath and faced y/n. "What can I say? You're beautiful, the way y/h/c shines in the sun, the way y/e/c pops when your happy or laughing. The day I met you all those years ago I knew I was gonna marry you. Fred called me crazy and yeah I was crazy. Crazy in love. I love you so much." I was closer to tears when I finished. I wiped the ones that fell from y/n's eyes and waited for her to speak.

Y/N's P.O.V

I smiled at George's words. God I love this man. "George, you are something else. The way you laugh makes me smile, the way your eyes shine when you pull a successful prank, everything about you and everything you do makes me fall even more in love with you. You were my first friend, my best friend, my boyfriend, and now my husband. I love you." I giggled at the tears that flowed down our faces.

Third person P.O.V

Dumbledore smiled proudly and said the words the couple, and everyone else, has been waiting to hear. "You may now kiss the bride." George and y/n smiled and kissed each other softly yet full of passion.

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