Truth Comes Out

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It was the night before the NEWTS for the Marauders. James had managed to sneak some truth serum from Slughorn and they decided to play truth or dare. "Alright Sirius. Truth or dare?" James smirked, ready to get revenge.

"Truth." Sirius said an drank a sip. "Who is this person that who are in love with?" James asked and the three remaining boys waited. The older Black thought he had nothing to hide but he was wrong. "Remus Lupin. Loved him since 3rd year." Sirius blurted out and then fled the room, blushing like mad.

Remus got up and ran after him, leaving James and Peter shocked. "SIRIUS ORION BLACK! WOULD YOU SLOW DOWN!" Remus yelled as Sirius busted out the front door. Sirius stopped about halfway to the Lake. "Is it true Sirius? That you love me?" Remus asked out of breath.

Sirius nodded and looked down. "It's true." He whispered before a pair of soft lips met his. "Good, cause that would've just been awkward." Remus chuckle and they kissed again.

Little did they know that Professor Dumbledore was watching, snapped a picture and disappeared before the boys could take notice.

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