Team Storm

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Introductions: My name is Jamie West and I am the fastest woman alive. You that white blur. That's me! Oh look, there I am again. That's me too.
Harrison Wells, Jessie Wells we're at S.T.A.R Labs in their secret area while Jamie West is being Storm.

"Robbery an a another truck at Star Blvd", Jesse says, on comms.

"Call Central Hospital and tell them I have a GSW coming in", Jamie says, on comms. Seconds later. "What's next?".

"Fire, five blocks over at Ahoy Apartments", Wells says, on comms.

"Guys Im here. These people are trapped and the sprinklers aren't working", Jamie says, on comms.

The first starts to get worse.

"Hello. Did you hear me. I can't get anyone out. Guys. What do I do?", Jamie asks, on comms.

Wells and Jessie look at each other and shrug. For the first time, they don't know what to do.

"Guys come on. Your telling me you don't know what to do", Jamie says, on comms.  "All those people are gonna die. We need to do something".

"What if I create a vacuum, rotate my arms at super speed, that will create wind funnel that will suck the air right out of the room?", Jamie says, on comms.

"It's the only plan", Jesse tells her dad.

"Do it", Jesse says, on comms.

Jamie spins her arms clockwise, creating a wind funnel but it seems like it's among everything worse.

"Its not working", Jamie says, on comms.

"West. You need to move your ams faster. You. Red to believe you can do it", Wells says, on comms.

Jamie takes a deep breath, inhale and exhale. She raises both of her arms and moves then fast, then faster, and faster until all the fire was out. After, she super speed everyone out of the building to outside getting them to safety. After getting the last person out, Jamie then speeds off towards S.T.A.R Labs when she starts to get dizzy. Then, when everything was okay, she ran again.

Jamie finally makes it to S.T.A.R. Labs. She went to change out of her suit, when Jesse went to catch up with her.

"Hey. You feeling alright?", Jesse asks.

"Yeah, why?", Jamie asks.

"The sensor in the suit were kicking back some weird telemetry, like your vitals spiked for a few seconds", Jesse says.

Jamie thought for a second. If she lied, to Jesse, then she  would be angry and since Jesse is kinda like her doctor, she would have to listen to him yelling at her. Or she tell the truth and avoid it.

"Nope. Everything is fine", Jamie says. "I gotta go, to the apartment. Busy day tomorrow".

The Next Day:
There is an event going on later in the afternoon. Jamie told Barry that she would go with him to the University of Central City, because there was an award that's gonna be given to Tracy Lin. Jamie boss at Venus Labs. Jamie is on the phone with Barry, to make sure he didn't forget about later on. When Jamie hangs up, Tracy then, walks into Jamie's private lab to discuss something important.

"Jamie, you have a minute", Tracy asked.

"Yea of course. I also have time for you", Jamie replied.

"Good. Listen you remember 10 months ago before the big explosion...", Jamie nodded in agreement, "Well, as you know I am being given an award for Woman of the Year and I want to share to the world, of your greatest achievement. I mean, if you want".

Jamie West // Book 1 // The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now