The Visit

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Author's Note
A little something...
"We just happens to be in front of the room number huh", Jamie says, with a smile. Jamie puts her hand in the door knob. "Come with me. Please".

"I wouldn't have it any other way", Jay says.

Jamie opens the door and her and Jay walks inside. Francine open her eyes, after hearing the door open, hoping it Wally.


"Hi, mom", Jamie says.

"Ja-Jamie. How?", Francine asks.

"It's a long story", Jamie says, grabbing a chair to sit in the side of the bed, while Jay sat on the couch.

"Well, I have a little time left", Francine says.

"The night of the particle accelerator, I did die", Jamie says. Jamie wanted to tell her, about Earth-2 and the multiverse. But she didn't think that's what Francine needed. "But I came back", she says not knowing what to say.

"Please, don't lie, Jamie", Francine says. "Tell me the truth, even if it sounds crazy".

"H- how?", Jamie asks.

"Your eyes. You always wanted to tell me something, but then thought I would never understand. You were always smart", Francine says. "So tell me. No matter how crazy it is".

Jamie tells Francine everything. From Earth-1 Jamie and how she died, from her mothers death, brothers death. Being disowned by her father. Stop trying to forgive her sister. Meeting Harrison Wells and Jesse.

"Wow. That's a lot", Francine says.

"Yeah, sorry. Im a rambler. Didn't even give you time to talk", Jamie says.

"Im sorry you lost your mother. Your brother", Francine says. "Im sorry your dad, and your Iris wasn't their for you. But what I learned is, never forgive someone even when you don't. It's okay to be hurt and mad. Tell her".

"Thank you. My mom was always wise", Jamie says. "After her and dads divorce, I left to stay with her and Wally. Something I think that's why my dad hates me".

"No. Your father should love you no matter the choice. You were young, a child will always need their mother", Francine says. "I wish I was there for Iris and Jamie".

"Sometimes I think about saving mom. If I could do it all over again, I would", Jamie says. "The day of the explosion, I cured cancer. To bad I was years late".

"Cancer. That is amazing", Francine. "You are a strong, intelligent woman Jamie. Your mother raised you right. So anything else, before visiting hours end".

"Yeah, um. Im a meta human. Im known as the female speedster, Storm", Jamie says.

"That's you. The news is always talking about the new female speedster, how amazing she is", Francine says.

"Yeah. And this is my fiancé, Jay", Jamie says.

Jay gets up from the couch, and walks over by the bedside. "Hello, ma'am".

"He's handsome", Francine says. "I approve".

"Well, I am glad", Jamie says. "I think this relationship would've been over if you didn't".

"Well, that's a lie", Jay says. "Because it's you and me forever, Storm.

"Jay is um", Jamie looks up at Jay and he gives her a nod. "He's the Flash on our Earth".

"And im guessing the speedster, Zoom, is from your Earth", Francine says. "That's why you two are here".

"Yeah. He took Jesse from me", Jamie says. "Im going to get her back, with the help of this Earth, Flash and his team".

"What about you, Jay", Francine says. "You're helping keep Jamie safe".

"Yes, ma'am", Jay says. "I lost my speed, so I'll be helping on the sidelines. Just until I get them back".

"Im glad you two have each other", Francine says. "I know you aren't my daughter, but I am proud of you".

"I know you aren't my mother, but I do love you", Jamie says.
After the visit, Jamie told Francine that she would come back again, to hear Francine life story this time. Jay and Jamie were holding hands, walking down streets of Central City.

"I think it's good. Francine telling Wally his sister died, two years ago", Jamie says. "I mean he will be mad, and confused, because, well I look like her".

"But it might be the perfect way for you to tell, him. About who you really are", Jay says.

"You know. All the days, your away from S.T.A.R Labs, you've been surprising me", Jamie says. "With Wally and Francine. I wonder who next?".

"I love you, West. You are the better part of me", Jay says.

"And I love you, Garrick", Jamie says.

Jay doesn't say anything. He just looks away, thinking. "What's wrong?".

"Nothing. We're finally getting our family", Jay says.

"You Doctor says extra extra activities are good for labor", Jamie says. "So Flash, wanna practice".

"Hell, yeah".

Jamie speed her and Jay, to S.T.A.R Labs. Everyone was gone or sleep. So, what the hell. Good night.

Jamie West // Book 1 // The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now