Reverse-Flash Returns

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"Dr. McGee is dead?", Caitlin asks.

"How unfortunate", Jamie says.

"Harry and I were trying to hone my powers to find Zoom, and then we ended up using them, finding the Reverse-Flash, and that's when I saw him kill her. And then he left".

"He left? What do you mean, he left?", Barry asks.

"McGee built him some kind of speed machine and he ran into it and got flung back to the future", Cisco says.

"You'd need superluminal energy to send someone through time", Wells says.

"You mean like tachyons?", Barry asks. "We can track their location once they've been activated".

"Anything", Barry asks after Harry pulls up the satellite scanning for the tachyon's.

"Nothing", Wells says.

"Cisco, your sure that's what you saw?", Barry asks.

"Positive", Cisco says.

"All right", Barry says.

Jamie get up from her chair at the table and walks to Cisco.

"What else did you see?", she asks.

"There was all sorts of weird tech everywhere", Cisco says. "There was a clock".

"What time did the clock say", Jamie asks.

"9:52, I think", Cisco says. "How is that relevant?".

"It's 6:00 now", Wells says.

"Are you telling me I can see the future?", Cisco asks.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you", Wells says.

"Those goggles are getting named immediately", Cisco says.

"But that means Dr. McGee is alive", Caitlin says.

"That's right", Wells says.

"Yeah, okay. We have 3 hours, 52 minutes to find her and stop Reverse-Flash. Let's do it".

Everyone leaves the cortex, leaving Cisco and Jamie.

"What is it", Jamie asks.

"Nothing. It's just unbelievable", Cisco says. "But I could ask you the same question. Dr. McGee is alive, and you don't seem happy".

"Why would I, I don't know her", Jamie says.

"Yeah, I know. You been down all day, what's up?", Cisco asks.

"Nothing", Jamie says. "I just can't wait to go home. Being here, bring up feeling and memories. Being a speedster is good, I can ran as fast and long as I can, to get out of my own head, but no matter what the things I run from, are always catching up with me".

"Don't let it", Cisco says. "Deal with it, and it will go away".

"Easy for you to say, Cisco", Jamie says. "You don't know me, or what I've been through".

Jamie leaves the cortex heading for Ciscos workshop.
"Nice nitrous kit", Iris says. "You're gonna get caught one of these days. You know that, right? Get thrown in jail?".

"I'll stop racing when these hospital bills stop coming in", Wally says.

"I saw mom today. She says you haven't been by in a while", Iris says.

"Yeah, she knows why", Wally says.

"She thinks it's because you're angrily with her", Iris says.

"I have every right to be angry", Wally says. "Nothing for 20 years, and then out of nowhere, she tells me I have sisters, I have a father".

Jamie West // Book 1 // The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now