02 • The Pretentious Girlfriend

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"If it's about the incident earlier, I was just–"

"No, it's not about that...

I want you to be my fiancé"


"I mean, be my girlfriend for three hours."

"I think you're drunk" Lalisa said can't believe what Jungkook was saying, she shrugged it off and thinking that maybe he was drunk.

"I hope you'll be sober soon, mister." Lalisa said bid goodbye to Rosie and leave.

"But.. I'm not drunk." Jungkook sighing and go back to his hyungs. "So, where's your girl?" Taehyung ask as soon as he spotted Jungkook coming back to his seat.

"She left, but I will bring her to mother's wedding." Jimin smiles.

Lalisa was working on a convenience store, she was about to close it but another customer came in. "Sorry, we're closed." She said didn't looked who's customer is it.

"But, I want banana milk." Jungkook pouted. "What? You again!?" Lalisa startled to see Jungkook infront of her again and glared at him.

"Oh my, why is he here?" Jisoo said shock to see Jungkook, one of the grandson of the most successful business leader.

At least she knows it, but how about Lisa? Did she even give a fvck of who he is? Certainly, not.

Lalisa shrugged it off and began to ask him some questions. "So, why do you need a girlfriend for three hours tonight?" She eyed him. Jungkook began acting and he feels like Lalisa believe him so he's just go with the flow.

"Be..because of my grandpa, he.. he's quite ill, and he wants to see me in a r-relationship before he ends his life, it was one of his wishes." Jungkook said acting emotional.

"Fine, I'll do it for your grandpa. But, you have to give me cash in return." Lalisa said, she didn't have a choice but agreed because she felt pity for the boy and somehow she needs some money.

"Okay then, deal. I'll pick you up later tonight." Jungkook said and leave the store. "Gosh, he didn't even introduce himself." She said to herself and shook her head.

"You don't know him? He's Jeon Jungkook, the grandson of the most richest business leader here in Korea." Jisoo said nudging Lisa.

"Jungkook?" She said quietly.

‘I feel like I heard that name somewhere, but I can't remember where’ she said in her thoughts but decided to shrugged it off

At the wedding, Lalisa and Jungkook are inside the car, talking. "Hey you.. what's your name again?" She asked, as she's forgetting the fact that she's with the grandson of the most richest and successful business leader in Korea, and acts as his girlfriend.

"You don't know me?" Jungkook ask her in disbelief. They got outside of the car and began to walk around the venue where the wedding will be held.

"Ah right, Jungkook, this doesn't look like the hospital–" Jungkook cut her off. "Shh, it's starting. Hold my hand." Jungkook said asking for a hand.

"No, thank you–" She didn't finished what she's saying it's because Jungkook grab her hand and gazes at her.

"You liar, you said we're going to the hospital, yet you brought me to a wedding. Why are we–"

"Shh, just act and play your part." Jungkook said still holding her hand.

"Look, Jungkook did bring her." Seokjin whispered on to Namjoon, glancing at them. "My credit card." Jimin pouted.

"Lalisa, meet my mom and her eighth husband." Jungkook introduced. "Jungkook, please go back to your seat." Jungkook's mom said a bit piss.

"That was rude, hurry up and apologize." Lalisa lean in and whispered on to Jungkook's ear. "What? No, just keep quiet." Jungkook whispered back.

"Apologize to your mom, now!" His grandpa said. Lalisa makes Jungkook kneel. "Apologize" She whispered.

"You little.."


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