12 • The Madly, Jungkook

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"What is this?"

"Hey, how do you play this?"

The boys keeps asking nonstop. "Do you guys even go to fairs?" Jisoo asks since she was really annoyed by the boys keeps asking. Taehyung shook his head.

"What? You guys have never been in fairs?" Jennie asked while crossing her hand on her jaw, looking at Taehyung.

"Nope, we're always at the house" Namjoon answered.

"Okay, I get it, you guys need some fun in your life" When Lisa said it, Hoseok smiled.

The girls showed them the fair. The boys were extremely rich, they've never been to a fair or fun places.

(moments later)

"I've never had so much fun in my life" Seokjin said while putting a hand on to Jimin's shoulder.

"Me too, hyung" Jimin replied looking so happy.

"Never? Why? I mean, most people having fun of this kind of place then why you guys not?" Rosie asks confused.

"We're just rich boys, our life is all fancy and stuffs. No fun" Jimin answered pouting.

"But, that doesn't mean you have to be fancy all your life. Tomorrow, we're all gonna do something fun and exciting" Lisa said and winked.

(next day)

"The beach? We've been to beaches, how is this fun?" Jungkook asks confused is written on his face.

"Okay, but have you tried jet skiing?" Rosie asks.

"What's that? I've never heard that before" Yoongi asked.

"You will see, for now, let's have fun!" Rosie shouted and jumping excitedly.

"Whoo! So this is jet skiing!? IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!" Jimin shouted while on jet skiing with Yoongi.

"Hey, hey, too fast!" Yoongi said scared, because what if he will thrown on the sea or worst in the middle of it.

"Don't be a scaredy-cat, hyung. Let's have some fun!" Jimin said and fastened the drive and Yoongi can't helped but cries and screamed his heart out.

"Jennie sshii, why don't you join?" Taehyung asking Jennie as he spotted her just sitting on one of the chair for tanning.

"Oh, I get seasick. You guys have some fun." Jennie said refused and smiled.

"Oh, oka–" Taehyung said but got cut off by Yoongi who's talking.

"I don't want to ride that thing ever again" Yoongi whining as he sip his drink. "Jennie sshii, do you want some drinks?" Yoongi asks.

"Sure" Jennie said and get the drinks that Yoongi handled to her.

Taehyung not liking the atmosphere, he leaves them there with heavy heart. "Aish, how do you fix this darn thing?" Jisoo said feeling annoyed.

"Easy, you don't need to swear, let me help" Namjoon said and goes to Jisoo.

On the other hand, Seokjin saw the scene between Namjoon and Jisoo, he then splashed them water by his jet ski.

"Aish, you little–" Jisoo said and look at Jin, glaring at him. Seokjin spit his tongue out to teased Jisoo. She glared at him even more because Jisoo is now wet and it seems like she needs to change a shirt.

A Thai guy was talking to Lisa while jet skiing, Jungkook saw her. He tries to goes to Lisa but then stops himself.

"Wait, why am I thinking? Why am I gonna stop her? Gosh, Jk what is wrong with you?.." Jungkook asks himself while caressing his nape.

He tries to leave the scene but he can't helped but look back on Lisa who's still talking a random guy. After the talk Lisa had with that guy, she then tried to follow him.

"Why are you following him?" Jungkook asking Lisa. She ignored him instead she was talking to the guy. "So, where is my aunt again?" Lisa asked.

The guy shows his most evil grinned. "You're very easy to fool–" said by the guy.

Jungkook not liking the scene between them, he immediately tries to talk to Lisa and stops wherever she was going.

"Our time is up, let's go back" Jungkook said holding Lisa's right arm. "Ah, right. I don't think I can go, tell Aunt I'll come over tomorrow" Lisa said and turns back, leaves out of the sight of the random guy.

"Darn it! Ma'am, it's a fail. Jungkook came looking for her and stops her" the random guy said on the phone.

"Oh, I see. We'll try again" said by the woman voice on the phone.

"Why on earth were you following that guy? Do you even know him?" Jungkook asks nonstop questions as soon as they arrive at the balcony.

"He said something about– wait, why do you look so mad?" Lisa asks looking at Jungkook who's staring at her.

"What do you mean? Mad? Yeah, right. Whatever. Forget what I said" He said backing out and looks at the sea.

Lisa then thinks about teasing him more. "Hmm" she said and steps closer, just inch away then their lips would touch each other.


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