22 • The Better To Know You

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//\\ Hospital [🏥]

"She's fine, she just needs to rest. I can see from why she faint it's because of she was too shocked to meet a person or rather she's stressed these past few days. You need to take care of her, her own pain, she hid it for herself." The doctor said explaining what happen or what's the cause of fainting.

"Go check on her, I'll talk to Dad" Rosie said nudging Jungkook and Jennie. She leaves the room with the doctor.

"She faint because of she was shocked? Wait–did the doctor said that she was stressed? Lisa has been great these past few days, why would she's stressed about? Is Lisa's dad really that scary?" Jungkook talked to Jennie who's putting a strand of hair of Lisa to her ear.

"Lisa wasn't that stressed so much but she's been finding that jung guy, and has been suffering from her childhood memories so.. there's something we want to tell you.. " Jennie started and looked on to Jungkook's eyes.

"Me? What is it?" Jungkook asked confusedly.

"Since Sey, already told you their story, we'll tell you the other one. Lisa's dad used to get mad at Lisa everytime she plays with her childhood best friend, and it made Lisa very scared. He thought that her friend was a distraction to Lisa's life so he separated both of them. When uncle got mad at aunt and started to abuse her, she was traumatized by it. One day, Lisa couldn't take it anymore. She got very mad at him, she became tougher." Jisoo tells the side story of Lisa and her dad to Jungkook because she believes that her childhood friend is none other than, Jungkook himself and Lisa just needs to confirmed it herself.

"After that, they decided to move in with us. Now, we thought Lisa forgot all about the past, turns out it's still in her." Jennie said while looking at Lisa who sleeps soundly.

"Lisa is a very independent woman. She can handle things on her own. She's tough. Not until it comes to this.. " Jisoo continued.

Jungkook just quietly listening to them, while looking at Lisa worriedly. A moment later, Lisa finally wakes up.

"Where.. am I?" Lisa said looking around the room when her eyes diverted to the guys and the girls who's sitting down the room chair.

"You're awake" Hoseok said causing their attention goes to Lisa who's looking at them one by one.

"You're at the hospital, you fainted earlier" Jimin answered.

"You good? Are you hurt?" Jungkook stand up and checked up on her.

"Lisa.." the man who cause for her to get fainted is here, it was her and Rosie's dad. Jungkook looks at Mr. Manoban.

Lisa holds Jungkook's hand as she saw him clenching his fists, he looked at her. She squeeze his hand and assured him that it's gonna be okay.

"You guys go ahead, we'll talk. Rosie, stay" Lisa said and let go of Jungkook's hand and giving him the assured smile.

When everyone got out of the room, there is only Lisa, Rosie, and their dad.

"Why are you here?" Lisa asked coldly.

"Lisa, I know that a lot of things happened from the past. Everything that I did to you, your sister, your mother, was all wrong. I was a bad father, and a bad husband. I want to apologize for everything. I hope you'll give me a second chance." their dad said, looking down.

"I.. don't know. It wasn't easy to forgive because that memories keeps hunting me. I don't know anymore dad.. I still can't" Lisa started.

"I promise that I will never hurt you both again"

"Come on, Li. Let's give him a chance" Rosie said nudging Lisa as she felt that there was a sincerity on his voice.

"I...i.. o..kay" Lisa said stuttering, it doesn't mean she forgive him that easily, she felt bad for Rosie that been urging her to forgive their dad, it's the past. As long as it's the past, then past is past, present is present, it was the most important.

Rosie smiles and hugged them. Little that the two sisters know that their dad, Mr. Manoban smirks slightly.

(midnight at the house)

Lisa was at the balcony, staring at a picture of her and her Dad. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung arrived at the scene and looking at Lisa worriedly caressing the picture.

"Can't sleep?" Jungkook started.

Lisa sighed. "Guys, did I choose right? Giving my dad another chance after all the things he did to us?" Lisa asking them for their opinion.

"Well, everybody deserves a second chance" Taehyung replied.

"But.. they also have to make sure not to waste that chance." Jimin continued what Taehyung said.

"I agreed, but Rosie wants to give Dad a chance.." Lisa said.

"If I were you, I'd choose my own choice." Jungkook said softly. Lisa looked at him.

"You really don't know what to do when it comes to this, hm?" Jungkook asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lisa asks back.

"Nothing, I'm just getting to know you better" He answered and looks at Lisa, she looked back at him. They stared at each other's eyes.

"Um, yeah. We're going to our room now" Taehyung said cutting the eye contact between Lisa and Jungkook that is staring for almost a minute now.

"Mhm, we're kinda sleepy" Jimin agreed. "You two have a great night, or time, or whatever." He continued.

"Just shut up, you're ruining their moment" Taehyung said nudging Jimin and put his shoulder on to Jimin's and leave out of their sight.

Lisa and Jungkook were left at the balcony. They chatted, laughed, and annoy each other just like last time. But this time, Jungkook fell asleep.

"Looks like my voice makes you asleep" Lisa said staring at Jungkook who's sleeping soundly.

"Seems like both of you like the balcony, hm? Are you sure both of you aren't dating?" Jisoo said when she walks pass by at the balcony when she noticed Lisa who's sitting at the chair with Jungkook's head on her shoulder.

"Very funny, unnie." Lisa said rolling her eyes playfully and still continued admiring Jungkook's face features.

"He must have been tired while watching you earlier" Jisoo started a conversation.

"W-watching me?" She asked looking at Jisoo.

"Yeah, while we were talking with uncle, he was sitting beside you., watching you. He looks.. you know.. worried? I don't know. Well, I got my milk. I'll go back to my room, you guys take care" Jisoo said bid goodbye at Lisa and said ‘goodnight’ to her, she do the same and smile.

She looks at Jungkook, and started caressing his hair and making it parted only to see his full features face with his little scar on the face. Jungkook moved that made Lisa freezed, he snuggled closer to her neck causing her to giggled.

"You look like a baby"


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